Recap of SLC 2024

Time passes by like wind. It feels just like a week ago I met my students on their first day of being in grade 3. At first, I was not sure that I could handle the new class atmosphere. This is because I have taught grade 4 for three years, but this year I am entrusted to teach the third graders. It was not easy personally, but as days went by, weeks passed, and now I am finally here. It has been 8 months being together with them. Time really passes so fast, doesn't it?

Me and my students have encountered a lot of ups and downs, especially me as the homeroom teacher. I have faced many struggles, namely administration tasks, gradings, guiding students who were absent to catch up lessons, managing emotions and feelings, making sure the class is ready to learn, and many more. When I threw my mind back to the first semester, I have been through a lot. We have been through a lot. 

In this post, I would like to put some photos that highlight our togetherness. 

Every Friday we wear the school theme shirt

Got lots of gifts from my students on Teacher's Day

We celebrated Christmas by sharing the goods to our surrounding

A few pics of our moments inside and outside the classroom

To end the third quarter in this academic year, our school held the annual event called SLC (Student-Led Conference). And yes, this is not ordinary conference. This is a conference where students will lead the activities which involve their parents to participate. This event is not only to show the students' progress, but to also celebrate and appreciate what they achieved so far. This was held on last Thursday, March 7. 

Since this event has been announced to them two months before, we've got a plenty of time to prepare all stuff. This includes three main things. Firstly, the students' portfolio, which is filled with their works (worksheets, drawings, projects, and reflections) from all subjects. Secondly, the stages of their learning progress in the current unit. Thirdly, the centers where they will do fun activities with their parents.

Wait, you must be wondering, "Are all students going to lead the conference with their parents in the classroom at the same time?" Definitely, no... That would be so crowded! The school admin arranged the schedule for each student in every grade level so there will be only 3 students coming into the classroom with their parents for the conference at the same time (thumbs up for the school admin who worked hard to make the schedule!). The duration is approximately 30 minutes which is enough to do the three main things that I have mentioned before. 

Anyway, I attach some photos below that I took before and during the event.

I set timer on the screen to let the students and parents aware with their activities during the SLC.

The students' portfolios arranged in order according to their schedule.

The stages of the students' learning which includes three: tuning in, finding out and sorting out, and making conclusion.

The centers that are divided into 5: Unit of Inquiry, English, Math, Civics, and PE.

That is all the recap of SLC event this year. Through this event, I hope the students do not only "show off" their work in front of their parents, but they also reflect and evaluate on themselves about the things they have made so far. And for the parents, I hope they learn to see and appreciate what their children have done and achieved for the past few months. 

And for you, dear readers, I hope you enjoy reading this post as I do. I think I am going to post more about the journey of me and my students ahead. In the meantime, I wanna enjoy my quarter break for this 1 week. This is something precious that not everybody can enjoy. So, yeah... I want to take a break by doing things that I cannot do during the school days. 

See you!

~Palembang, 120324


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