Happy New Year 2014!

Happy new year guyss!!
Hmm.... time is really running fast. It feels like we've just started 2013, but the reality is we will celebrate the coming of 2014..

Happy Birthday to Me

Oh, one of the most important in this rainy day (in my city) is this is my special day. You know what i mean, don't you? THIS IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! Yeaaah hard to believe that i was born at the end of the year,. one day before new year.
What will you give to me as the present? Haha, kidding :p

So, i was born on the date i wrote this post.. Many people don't realize it, including my friends. Maybe because they;re too busy to prepare the celebration of the new year. Well, how busy they are, they will surely say it to me. (gw emang kege-eran)

The most important is I'm really grateful i could wake up without feeling sick (just a little cold). Big thanks to my JESUS who has given me one more year to be lived. He wants me to make a new difference of my attitude and do what He wants me to do.
God, thanks for the 15 years that I've lived. I'm so sorry for all of my mistakes that made my parents, friends, sister, especially You hurt. Now thanks for my 16th birthday.. I'm gonna fix my mistakes and make the people around me happy, especially You. Bless my day, bless my family, bless all people who maybe celebrates their birthday too. Thank You God. In the name of Jesus, i prayed. Amen.
 Sometimes, only sometimes i feel like this... You've ever felt like this, haven't you?

Back to the new year's coming. I will gather around with my big family in my cousin's house. Kami bakal ngadain ibadah kecil keluarga tutup tahun dan akan bermalam di sana sampai tahun baru itu datang. That's my grandfather's tradition.
Well, how about you? Where will you go for this holiday and with whom?

Finally, what we're going to do today is waiting the last seconds and enjoy the last day of 2013. God bless you n me :)



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