What's your dream?

Day 31 of 365 !
Thanks God for everything You've given us all this month O:) I know and believe in Your promises that will never change.

Talking about dreams. Everyone has their own dream, right? Including me of course :D
Want to know what my dream is?? Hmm... kepo deh! Kasitau gak yaa... :p

Okey, I'm gonna tell you. My dream is to be a STEWARDESS... Never crossed your mind? But it has crossed mine..
Obviously, this has been my dream since a long long time ago (lebay!). I never count it.
Some of my friends don't believe i can make it come true. But i just listen to my heart and believe in Jesus that I can and I will.

I have fallen in love with this thing since I heard and knew that a stewardess can have a trip around the world for FREE. Yeah, travel around the world is also my dream. So, i decided to be a stewardess in the future then i can make my other dreams come true.
Beside that, I will be able to visit amazing cities with my family and friends. That's gonna be really really FUN...
Can't wait for that moment when I'm wearing the cool stewardess uniform with my name on the tag and holding a bag.

OH GOD i really want to be a stewardess. Please help me to not just saying "i wish" but start saying "i will" with real action and effort. Because as You say that nothing is impossible for You.

He will make everything beautiful in His time.
Hwaiting Nadya !!!
I've been talking about my dreams a lot. I forget to ask you guys, what''s your dream? You got same dream like me?

Anyway, half an hour more we will enter the second month in this year. People say February is a full-of-love month. But it doesn't mean we truly do an action of love only in this month. No! I disagree with that.. We must give our love as much as we can all months. In other words, unlimited just like Jesus' love for us..
Dan inilah keberanian percaya kita kepada-Nya, yaitu bahwa Ia mengabulkan doa kita, jikalau kita meminta sesuatu kepada-Nya menurut kehendak-Nya. (1 Yohanes 5:14)
Pertolongan kita adalah dalam nama TUHAN, yang menjadikan langit dan bumi. (Mazmur 124:8)
It's already late right here. So, be better in next day in the new month. Work hard and pray hard!
God bless u :)



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