Happy Valentine's Day!

Although it has been already nine days ago, but i would like to say this. Happy Valentine's day for everyone! <3
How much chocolate you've got? Did you get it from your friends, parents, or someone special? :3

It's okay if you haven't got someone special to celebrate with in Valentine's day. You know, Valentine doesn't always mean you have to celebrate it with your boy/girlfriend. You can spend that special day with your family and friends. They have known about you for a long time. So that's the perfect timing for you to share your love with them who already loved you.

Besides that, you can share your love and happiness to someone 'special'. The word 'special' means someone stranger that you really don't know or haven't met.

Hey, i have a story. It happened to me exactly on valentine's day.

On Saturday, 14 February 2015. i woke up at 7.30 am. Usually, i didn't go to school on Saturday. But because i had something to do about math, i decided to go to school. I was so lazy, even just to take a bath. I had planned the night before to go to school at 8.00 am, but at that time i just wanted to dress up after took a bath.

I messaged my friend to get ready, because i would do the task with her. I went to school at 8.30 am. I arrived at school first. I went to the computer lab, but there was no one of my classmates there. I just marked my name in the absence book.

At 9 o'clock my friend came. We went to a place where we could do our task comfortably. This task was a group work. Me and my friend worked on it for around 2 hours. We haven't had any breakfast in the morning, so after we finished it we went to the canteen to get something to eat.

I had a meatball and noodle and my friend had rice and fries. We enjoyed our food and talked about many things. Then my friend got a message from our classmate. She said that she wanted to go to school to meet us. At first she wanted to meet me at home because she had a course in the place near my house. 

At around 12 o'clock we finished our food and wanted to go home. When we went to the parking lot, we saw an 'unhealthy' woman in front of our school gate. At first i didn't even recognize it whether that was a man or a woman.

We saw many kids yelled and laughed at her. But this person just laughed too. In my mind, "She is really out of her mind." We started to worry. What could we do to get through of her? We didn't want her to attack us when we walked. Aishh! We couldn't wait here until she went away.. What do you think you can do to get through of this situation?

Finally, something unique happened. My friend who wanted to go to course decided to give her something. She said she felt so sorry for her, so she couldn't just stand and go away after saw her condition. She went back to the canteen and bought some food to be given to this crazy woman. 

Me and my friend weren't brave enough to give it to her. But my friend who has a kind heart gave it right to her while she was singing loudly. She really has a big heart, isn't she? Wow, i felt so stupid that i couldn't do anything like that.

Fiuuh, in the end we could get through of her and went home..

Yeahh that's the story. What do you think guys?
This literally touches my heart. It's so hard to find someone who has a kindness like my friend's. As i told you, we can share our love with the 'special' one. So, you get what it means, right?



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