On First of July

Holla friends... Today I wrote this post on same day as the Independence Day of the USA! But I'm not going to talk about that America's biggest celebration.
I'm going to tell you about my recently sad experience.

Last Wednesday on July 1 2015, my family and I decided to go to mall, just to refresh our mind and body from everyday routine. We left our house at 11.30 pm and arrived there at 12.00 pm. First, we went to a shoes store to buy a new pair of shoes for my sister. While she was choosing and trying to wear the shoes, I sat down on the nearest sofa and checked my mobile phone whether there would be any new message or notification. That was there. I got a reply message from my friend. When I sent the reply to her, my sister had chosen the shoes and my mom had finished the transaction. By the way, don't you ask why I didn't buy it too? Because I've been bought the new one already for last 2 months. They're still good, of course (plus more expensive). Hehe

After that, we went straight to a bookstore. Not to buy some books, novels, or sort of thing. We went there to just look around and read the books if it hasn't been packaged. Hahaha :D This is my favorite bookstore obviously. Wherever I went to a mall, I always try to find this bookstore and do the same thing. Why must we buy it if we can read it even though not the whole book? Actually, there were some novels I wanted to buy. They are the next book from the series. I almost have all of the books from the series. The genre is mystery and teenager. But when I looked at the price tag in the back of the book, uh-oh it's so expensive for me. My mom said so. So she didn't want to buy it for me. Ugghh I really want to read and know the next story. OK. All I could is OK. I have to be patience and wait for the novel to be available online for free or wait for someone who will lend me kindly. Hihi

Then, we left the bookstore and went to a department store. Before we entered the store, I checked my phone but there was no message. My friend hasn't replied it. To save my battery because I didn't bring my power bank (the reality is I brought it but I didn't charge it. Could be said that it was useless absolutely.), I turned it off. So, here is the place where we did a shopping...! Yeayy, this is what I always wanted to do after the boring activities at home (or no activities at all). We looked and tried to fit in the clothes and dresses. Woahh!! If I could buy them all, I would buy them. I love almost every one of them. When I had decided which clothes I want, that terrible moment happened.

My mobile phone that I really really love and has been with me for 2 years was missing!!! What on earth it could happen?! I didn't know either! It's true that while I was shopping, I didn't look at my bag and focused with the clothes. But when I look at my bag, it wasn't zippered anymore. I'm sure I didn't open it myself and let it be opened. My mom said maybe there was someone who opened my bag and I didn't realize it at all... T_T How could there was someone who was so bad that he/she could take my favorite thing??! AAHHH. I was so so MAD, but it was my fault too. Why I didn't take care of my bag? Why could someone steal it? And why could it miss in this crowds of people? Why, why, why??? Oh, I didn't know who I am mad at. I almost gave up after I found nothing in the fitting room and in the store I had walked through. OH GOD. All I can do was pray, cry, and pray.

The damage of my missing phone was my mom didn't buy all the clothes I chose, she chose it herself for me. Huhuu. After she finished the transaction at the cashier, we went to the information section where missing things are placed there. Maybe, there would be a miracle, for example, someone found it and gave it to this section. But I was surely gave up because there wasn't any report about missing things that day. Okay, gave up deh! But my mom left her phone number if there will be new info about my phone. Again, all I can do was keep praying.

It was almost evening and we had to go to a restaurant soon because if we didn't we would get no tables for us to have a dinner (it's breakfasting anyway). I didn't really enjoy my food because that terrible moment still on my mind. I really wished the best for this situation. I couldn't blame anyone. After we got full, we left the mall and went back home.

The most thing I worried about is the numbers of my friends, my pictures, songs, and videos. My dad suggested to go to a customer service office to ask the replacement of my number to a new SIM card. So, the numbers will be safe. Yesterday, I went to the office and told what I need to the staff. She asked me to write down 5 phone numbers that I often call. I wrote them but there was only 1 number which matches with the system, as she said. She explained that it would be needed at least 5 phone numbers who I often call. The problem is, I seldom or hardly ever to make a phone call. I always contact my friends via social media. Sometimes my family who called me, not the opposite. But the rule is which numbers I often call. Oh no, this is bad!

The fact is, this is a very precious lesson. This must be God's plan. Maybe He wants to replace my old mobile phone with the new one. Maybe He wants to warn me because I have been playing with my phone a lot until midnight.
I'm just waiting for His miracle. Remember: Nothing impossible in Him. He knows exactly the best for me in a great way.
Now, I can't cry and mad anymore and I don't blame anyone in this accident. All I can do is praying and waiting for His beautiful miracle. FYI, I have forgiven that person who took my phone.


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