The End of August

Good evening guys! I've just got the leisure time to write a post in my blog. So sorry guys.. I haven't updated since my last post before today.

To be honest, few weeks ago was a very tough weeks. Just imagine, I arrive at home from school at 4.30 in the afternoon, then I have to go to the course, the time when I get back home I focus on my unending homeworks, plus the exams with difficult materials. In the morning I have to get up at 5.00 if I don't wanna be late to school. And it all happens EVERYDAY.

Sometimes (ok, it's a lie. Truth is often), I feel really tired and get a headache when I'm on my way to go home. How can I feel happy with smile on my face when I bring a heavy bag on my back, the sweats stream down my body, the hunger that haunts me, and all I think about is to get home quickly and have a rest? Well, don't you think it was the longest question I've ever asked? I just want everything to be explained in one sentence.

Most importantly, I'm not alone and I never feel lonely. Whenever the tired feeling, the headache and every hard thing comes to me, I just tell God all I feel and please Him to give me extra strength to face my daily life. Although He has already known what I feel and what I'll say before I tell Him, He just wants us to share our feelings to the one-and-only best friend, our dear God, Jesus. Nobody will ever understand our feelings and problems in this world except HIM, ever.

I am truly grateful because He never lets me get sick when I have many stuffs to do. How good is our God! Thank You so much and much God for Your endless blessings and love that always flow in my life. In the end, all the glory and worship from every breathed creature is directed to the God Trinity. O:)

Jesus bless you :)



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