What Happens After UN Ends

Annyeong...(hello in Korean). How are you? If you ask me how I am, I'm definitely FREE... The word "free" is related to what I, no I mean everyone feels after finishing the UN.
FYI, UN is the abbreviation of Ujian Nasional (National Examination). It is held for every student who is in their 3rd grade of senior high school. It is also prevailed for 3rd grade students of junior high school and 6th grade elementary school students. It is the very final exam to test our skill and ability in subjects before leaving the school and continuing study in the next level.  
The subjects that are tested is different for every level. UN of senior high school has 6 subjects: Bahasa Indonesia, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, English, and Physics for Science program. For Social program there are also 8 subjects: Bahasa Indonesia, Geography, Mathematics, Economy, English, and Sociology. UN of junior high school only has 4 subjects: Bahasa Indonesia, Mathematics, Science, and English. Then there are only 3 subjects for elementary UN: Bahasa Indonesia, Mathematics, and English. Yep, the higher the education level, the more subjects to be learned.
The UN for senior high school is held first, after that the UN for junior high school, and the last is for elementary students. By the way, UN for all senior high school students in Indonesia has been held on April 4-6 2016. The system of the test is divided by two ways: Paper Based Test (PBT) and Computer Based Test (CBT). My school took the first way, PBT. 
D-7 UN, I had prepared everything to face UN days. I didn't watch TV, I didn't do the useless things, I just focused on my study and my health. At school we didn't study anymore. We just discussed about the subjects that we're still confused about, such as Math, Physics, and Chemistry. 
D-1 to UN. I realized the time has passed by so fast. I still remember the day when I and my friend wrote the little note "D-70 UN" on the corner of the whiteboard at our classroom. Actually, we followed what other class wrote in their whiteboard. Hoho.. but I still remember it! It felt just like yesterday we wrote that, but in reality we had walked through that 70 days. The real UN had been in front of us. I talked to myself, "What have I done during that 70 days so it passes by quickly?!"
Yeah on the first day of UN, I could do B.Indonesia test but I wasn't sure about Chemistry test. :(
On the second day, I could do the 25 questions of Math test when there were only 30 minutes left. Thankfully, I could finish the 40 questions. For Biology, emm... I wasn't really sure.
On the third day (the last day), I was really excited to do the English test, especially for the listening section. Another but, my spirit went down during the Physics test. I was sorry :(
In the beginning and the end of UN, I didn't forget to pray to God. Because HE is my strength, my power, and my light. I was so thankful to Him everytime I finished the test day by day. Thank You very much God, I couldn't do all the tests without Your gift and love. Even though I wasn't so sure about some tests, but I am so sure that You can do anything. Your eyes are never closed to what Your children have been doing. Amen O:)
Finally I can do everything I want after UN. Yeah almost everything I like, such as watching TV, playing with gadget, watching drama on laptop, sleeping and eating as much as I want. Woohoo! That's why I called "free" after UN ends.
For example, last thursday D+1 after UN, I woke up at 8.30 am and I just took a bath once on that day. I had breakfast, lunch, and dinner as usual. What I did was watching TV and drama on laptop for the whole daayy. 
On friday, my friends and I decided to have lunch together in the center of our residence. We chose mie ayam as our food. Hmmm it's added with some sauce, so soo delicious! You should try it guys :D
Yesterday, on Saturday, my family went to take a look for my grandfather who was ill. But I believe that God can heal him and gives him new strength to face his life. We went home very late, we arrived at 22.30 pm.
Today, we went to church to meet, to praise, and to thank God for everything You have done to us, especially for me during the UN days. Much much thank You.
In the other hand, i felt so mind because less than a month I won't be a high school student anymore. I and my friends will continue to study at university to raise our own dreams. Ohh so sad :'(. Time flies so fast, doesn't it? I still remember the first days I went to my school to join the school orientation. What I thought in my mind was "What is this school? Who are these people? Why do they do that? What is it eww..." Yah, that was my honest mind. I talked to myself, "I have to study hard and graduate so fast, so I can get out of this strange school quickly! Oh 3 years, please come faster! I can't survive here any longer! I want to go back to my old school...!
Now it hurts that 3 years will be end very soon. Uggh! Now I talk to myself, "Why do 3 years come so fast? Why do I just get to know my friends well when we will be apart? Why I didn't make friends with them since the beginning? Has it been really 3 years I am in high school? It feels like a year. What have I done during these 3 years? What have I learned? Suddenly I forget everything I've learned! We still have another one year, don't we?"
That feeling ..... --____--"
I think it's enough for today. I will find the solution to make time stops, or at least just slow down. I will meet my friends often and use this few days to spend time with them. T_T
See u again guys!


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