Life is Never Flat

Hai guys...! How's life? Boring? Tiring? Interesting? Fun?  Sad? Making you angry?
Well, I have gone through those feelings.. I have been feeling all that emotions. I have been facing a never-flat life.

Anyway, it's been a month since I wrote a post about Valentine. It's inevitable that I've faced many things and experiences. People say that life is never flat. Life is nothing without any wave or obstacles. Life is about adventures. Now I totally agree with that statement.

Before we go further, I just wanna tell that I've just celebrated my 6th month for living in dormitory..! Hehehe... I was kinda like, oh man it's been 6 months and I didn't realize that life moves fast.  Ok, so here is a piece of my story.

In the end of February, I got a mid-term test at my college. It contains 9 courses and not all of them were tested about theory but some were tested about practice. First test that I did was ICT (Information and Communication Technology) which was held on February 24, 2017. Thankfully, my major was the first one who did that test.

After that, Systematic Theology 1 which was held on February 28, 2017 concurrently with the other majors. In the same day, Listening & Speaking also had a test which we had to make a dialogue in form of short video. This was done by pairs and I had a little problem when we did the recording. But, it was just a lack of prudence.

Then, on March 2, 2017 I had a mid-term test for Introduction to English Language Teaching. The test was about designing an appropriate test according to Lesson Objectives. It was quite difficult because at first I didn't understand what materials that should be studied. But, I could finish it well.

Another test that I had was course of Systematic Theology 2 and also Teaching Children With Diverse Abilities which were held on the same day, March 6, 2017. I just want you to know that both of them had so many materials that made me confused because I didn't know which one I should study first. So, I studied TCWDA from afternoon until the clock struck at 12 am. Then, I continued my study about ST 2 until around 3 am. It was tiring but I had more strength from God since the first hour I studied. I could sleep well although I woke up late in the morning.

Next, I had Pedagogy 2 test which was held on March 8, 2017. We had to work in a group presenting one topic about one learning method and had a simulation about the method. I was so thankful that I could have friends who can work well as the members of my group. So, we worked and practiced together on one day before from 7 pm until about 9 pm. On the test day, we can present well but our weakness was in the simulation part like what my lecturer said. I also admit it.

Still on the same day, I had Grammar & Structure test in the afternoon. Honestly, I didn't prepare a lot to do the mid-term test because I slept at around 2 am the night before. I was so sleepy that I couldn't help my eyes to be opened. So, I decided to study on the test day a few hours before the test was held. I just read the materials and tried to do the practice that had been given by the lecturer. Not being arrogant, but I have already learned and understood most of the materials since high school.

So guys, that was all about my mid-term test in this semester. The italic words are the subjects name. There is one subject that doesn't have a mid-term test. Yay! The thing is, I had gone throughout those days where I didn't get enough sleep, where I had many activities that never ends. I am really grateful to God who is always be by my side, who gives me strength, who understands me more than anyone.

I know that I'm still in semester 2 and there are a lot of things and experiences waiting for me in the next semesters, but it doesn't mean that I can't give thanks to God, right? Giving thanks must always be part of our life. Giving thanks means that you believe in God and you believe that you can't do anything without Him.

Thank You so much Jesus :)  

How about you guys? Whether you have faced, have been facing, or will be facing mid-term test, I hope you can do well and put your best effort because the results never betrayed the efforts. Most importantly, keep leaning on God who will give you strength whenever you need it.

Thanks guys for stopping in my blog! Gbu...



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