The Hands that Created the Universe are Holding Me

Hai... It has been a long-yet-full-of-grace time. I have been busy with my assignments that come closer to the due date. I know it's hard and I know it needs a lot of energy, thought, materials and time. But when I have someone who I feel comfortable with, I see that I am not alone.

This 'someone' can be anyone. For me, he/she doesn't have to be perfect, but he/she is always there when I have something to be shared. At first, I didn't like to share my stories to everyone. All I thought was let my stories just for myself. I didn't want anyone to know them. But, when I did that, I felt more stressed and burdened. I felt like this was not good for me. I need someone who I can share my stories or my problems with. 

When everything seems getting harder and everyone was like not respecting each other, when everyone is busy with their own business, when day changes into night, I realized that GOD, who created me, never changes. He is eternal.

Furthermore, His hands that created the universe are holding me.. What I should be afraid of? Why I should be afraid? I shouldn't worry about tomorrow anymore because He who fed five thousand people has already there. He has prepared the perfect day for me, for us.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you." -Deuteronomy 31:6
Kuatkanlah hatimu.. Lewati setiap persoalan..
Tuhan Yesus sanggup menopangmu..
Jangan berhenti harap padaNya..

Tuhan pasti sanggup..
TanganNya takkan terlambat tuk mengangkatmu..
Tuhan masih sanggup..
Percayalah Dia tak tinggalkanmu..

God bless you! Keep fighting on your long-yet-full-of-grace time.. You can do it if you let God's hands to hold you.



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