Everyone Has Their Own Story

This month has been one of the busiest month I've ever gone through. At least, since I live in dormitory. I have never thought before that I can get many new experiences and hear many stories from those experiences. 

It doesn't mean that I know everything, like every thing. NO! I'm just an ordinary quiet girl who actually don't like to gossip (I mean, talking about people behind them). NO! I'm not that kind of person, to be honest. You know, being quiet means I'd rather be a listener, keep it in mind and watch how everyone responds to anything they do. I'm just trying to be a caring person who know their story but keep it for myself without having any intention to tell others.

Sometimes, well, most of the time it's very hard to understand people (especially my close friends). I  know I'm not a mind-reader, but at least I can understand them by looking at their attitude and sayings. It can be wrong too even though I can predict what they're thinking.

The point is, everyone has their own story. Don't ever judge them by saying that he/she doesn't care about this or that, he/she is too busy because he/she doesn't reply your message/chat, he/she has forgotten you, and bla bla bla... anything else.

So, what do I do in facing this? I bring all of this to my Father, who understands more about what my friends are struggling with and how to overcome it. When I come before Him, I feel relieved as I tell their stories in my prayer. Why do I call it "stories" rather than "problems"? Because I believe that what they are facing now is part of God's plan which will become the stories of their life. Through the stories, God's work is shown in their life. Just like common stories we have ever read or watched, there is always something unpleasant happens, but still we believe that there will be a happy moment in the end.

That's all I can share. I hope I can write soon because (fyi) I will be having holiday supeerrr sooonnn..... I can go home this Saturday and stay for 2 weeks. Yes, only 2 weeks. But, it's better than no holiday at all, right? I've been busy with the committee of New Students Orientation which will be held very soon too. As the member of the committee, I have to do many stuff including I have to be present in the regular meeting every week. Anyway, I am the member of Public Relations Division (aka Divisi Humas). Our job is to call, inform, and confirm the new students from all over Indonesia about their preparations before coming to the campus.

Okay, good night guys! Have a nice sleep and sweet dream. Don't forget to pray! Just remember: Start with Jesus when you wake up, walk with Jesus when you go all day long, end with Jesus when you want to sleep.

Anyway, I wrote this post in the middle of night because: first, everyone in my room has already asleep so I can think more when it's silent, second, it's when the WiFi connection in my dorm goes very well. Hohoho :D

Jesus bless us!



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