A Little Bit Harder

Not as simple as before, the truth is it will be a little bit harder. Well, today is my first day go to college again after "three-month-holiday". Why do I put quotation mark? Because it didn't feel like a "real" holiday. Although we didn't go to college and do assignments, we still had many activities to do.

I just had a "real" holiday which means that I could go home and stay there for only 2 weeks. It started on July 24 - August 8. After that, I went back to dorm and had to do SoW. I made phone calls to new students of 2017 who will come to UPH TC.

Thankfully, I didn't a class to attend this morning. Actually, there is but the lecturer is in another city. Then at 1 pm I had a Systematic Theology 4 class. It was just about introducttion and explanation of the assignments.

What makes this new semester a little bit harder is because I join ELT Students Council aka HMP (Himpunan Mahasiswa Prodi ELT). I work as a co-leader of Creative Works Division. I, with my leader, Dian work together in making ELT's bulletin board (mading) and contribute in making decorations for many events that HMPELT holds. So far, we (with the help from some seniors and friends) have made and finished our very first bulletin board which is filled with photos of new students to welcome them in our major, ELT (English Language Teacher). It took a week for us to make it, even I didn't sleep at my own room but in Dee's (Dian's nickname) room. Hahahah :D

I also took part as an assistant of Systematic Theology lecturer. I don't have much stuff to do beside helping her in preparing materials for our class. I hope I can have a good relation with her and other assistants of hers.

To be honest, there are many things that happen surprisingly in my life. I just can't predict it will happen and I don't expect it to happen but it just happened the way God wanted it to happen.. And I can't understand how I can have this kind of things. Just wanna tell you to not worry about tomorrow or the future because God is already there. It might not happen the way you want, but it's exactly the best thing God plans it for you.
 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day [is] its own trouble." (Matthew 6:34)

Maybe some of you have just begun new academic year just like me. I pray that you can go through the new semester or the new place where you work or study. Be courageous and be a blessing to everyone around you.
That's all from me.. Wait for the next post which I'm not really sure when I can write a new story and post it in my blog. You know lah, as the title of this post says everything will be a little bit harder.

Jesus bless <3



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