First Practicum

Hey guys!
Time goes so fast, huh? We've already entered the 9th month of 2017. It's already September, It's almost the end of year. And.... I have passed my first practicum this month! Yep.. I have already finished it on Friday. I can't imagine it! It feels like it was just yesterday I went to the school where I did my practicum and it has ended already.. Anyway, first practicum or also known as Field Experience Program 1 (PPL 1) is about observation. We observe the teachers, the students, and the learning process in class. 

For your information, I had my first practicum at SPH Kemang Village, which is an international school and they speak English as first language. Wow, huh? All I did in my first practicum was just observing the teaching and learning process in the classroom. It's kinda easy, but we must really pay attention to everything that happens in the class. Because everything can be our learning

I observed grade K3 students who are very active and cute. On the first day, I was so nervous to meet my teacher mentor and the students. As days went by, I could adapt with the class (students and teachers). There were 2 teachers who handled the class. They are homeroom teachers, so they taught almost every subject in the class.

It is such a privilege and blessing that I can have my first practicum in SPH Kemang Village.I learn a lot from this practicum. I learn that being a teacher is not easy at all, especially a kindergarten teacher.It takes a lot of energy time, and perhaps material too. The teachers always remind the students about God and applies God's love when they teach. I can see the students are very discipline even though they are still very young. When they do mistakes, they realize it and try to be better. Finally, I loved how they talk innocently and how they can be friends with everyone easily.

I'm really really super thankful to meet and know them. I hope I can meet them next time. See you when I see you <3



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