4 More Days to Christmas

I can feel Christmas vibes anywhere I go, whether on the street, at supermarket, hospital, mall, and of course at church. I know everyone is having their own way to celebrate this beautiful moment. My friends have gone to Central Java and East Java to spend their holiday and probably celebrate new year too. I'm kinda jealous with them who can have good long trip with their family and loved ones, but then I should be more thankful although I only stay at home during this holiday. It gives me more time to reflect myself and learn more about God especially it is 4 more days left before Christmas.

December might be the most awaited month of the year, probably for most of us. At least, for me this is the most wonderful and blessed month of the year. We can see it from many artists or singers who released Christmas song as the following bellow:

Taeyeon - This Christmas

Starship Planet - Christmas Day

You may choose which Kpop Christmas song you like by checking out this video!

Despite all of this joy and happiness, there are many who are full of sadness and weary. I feel so sorry for someone out there who has just passed away two days ago. All of his family, friends, and even fans never thought that he would leave them that fast. He had been having depression for so long and he felt so lonely even though there were many people around him. You already who I'm talking about, huh? You better check this out..

Jonghyun's funeral

Kpop Artists' Reaction to Jonghyun's Death

If only he knew that there is one Person who will never leave him, who always takes care of him, and who understands him, he wouldn't decide to end his life. We all know that this one Person is GOD. He is the Creator of all things which means that HE IS HUGE. What I know and believe is HE LOVES US, every single one of us. If you got any problems or you are having illness now, just come and tell Him. Our God is big, yet He is so close. He is only a prayer away. There is no reason to be afraid if you never pray or know Him before. He is gracious and compassionate. All you need to do is come to Him as you are and give all your problems, then believe that He will work for you.

I hope that you have a good time with your loved ones. It doesn't matter where you live, where you spend your holiday, where you go to which church. What matters is you prepare Him room so that He can come to your heart and give you joy.

Jesus bless you! Merry Christmas :)



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