Semester 4, Please Be Good to Me

Happy Saturday! How was your holiday guys? I hope you had a great and unforgettable one! As days went by and year turned to 2018, we don't realize that our holiday is coming to an end. I am going to go back to my college tomorrow, yeah, the first day of new semester will definitely start on January 8, 2018. Maybe, some of you still have one or two weeks left before going back to school/college. 

I learned a lot during this holiday. I learned to be more thankful in every condition. Whatever the condition in my life, I know that God doesn't leave me and knows what my heart feels. I learned it by reading a book titled "Don't Follow Your Heart", written by Jon Bloom. I'm not going to promote this book, but this is a very good book. It tells us that we shouldn't follow our heart, like people say "Follow your heart because heart knows the best one." No. The true is, we should follow God's heart because our heart can be wrong sometimes. So, how can we know what God's heart says so that we can live by following it? I recommend this book for you who are confused and don't sure about life and its problems.
As I said before, tonight is the last night I sleep at my home. Why? As I have ever told before that I live in dormitory, so I musn't stay at home even only one night except it's a long holiday. I have prepared my stuff that I will bring tomorrow. I have made some cute cards for my friends (it's just simple cards but I hope they like it!). I see that almost all of my classmates at the college had a fun holiday. Glad to know it. Today or maybe yesterday, some of them have already at dormitory or are on the way to dormitory. Wherever they are now, I pray that they are always safe. I also hope that they are ready for this new semester.

Talking about new semester, I'm going to start semester 4 which  means that this is the second year of my college year. Most of my seniors who have been graduated last year and who are already in their fourth year said that the most difficult and saturated semester is semester 4. Whoa! It means that I'm going to face a really tough semester very soon! It can't be underestimated. To be honest, I was kinda underestimated some subjects in the last semester. I also like to procrastinated in doing my assignments. Not only that, I didn't have enough sleep because I stayed up all night to finish my assignment. All of these led to a not-so-satisfying grades. My grades are lower than what I got in semester 2. I was so sad knowing this fact. But, I pray to God that I regret the bad things that I did in last semester. I admit that I was too confident when it came to doing assignment. I'm really sorry, God that I didn't lean on Your strength. I'm thankful for my grades and it teaches me to be more careful and do what I can do when there is still time. Please, remind me to always lean on You, not on my own strength and understanding.

Thank you guys for stopping by my blog and read this post. If you're interested to know me more, just follow me on Instagram. Gonna write new post soon..! Happy new year!
God bless you all :)

These are some photos that was taken a day before holiday..



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