Underestimate No More

Happy Sunday guys!
Been a long time no write anything in my blog. I can't find any leisure time to even check my blog. I have gone through many obstacles these days. Haha. I feel so tired and sleepy, but my schedule is full.

What i have learned from these hectic weeks is do not underestimate something or someone. "Something" here means assignment, while "someone" means friends.

UNDERESTIMATE /ʌndərˈɛstɪmeɪt/
> Estimate (something) to be smaller or less important than it really is.
> Regard (someone) as less capable than they really are.
 Cambridge Dictionary

Well, I admit that sometimes I underestimate assignments that are given by my lecturers at college. i found myself I was too confident in some subjects. I did not manage my time wisely, so the result is I did my assignments but I did it in hurry which in the end the result was not that satisfying. Hmm.. I ask myself, wonder how can I be like this? But, it's already happened. What I need to do now is be wiser in managing my time so I can use itu to do my assignments then it can be finished earlier with good result too.

I pray to God how can I leave this bad habit and be better. I realize that i become lazier than last year. I don't know. Maybe because the subjects are getting harder or because I am affected by others who seem not taking it seriously. But, I have to get up. The good things will come when we're willing to do it and sacrifice our time. Yeah that's what I'm supposed to do.

Whenever I'm lazy to do something, i remember this Bible verses

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! (Proverbs 6:6)

Well, I hope you can learn something from this post. Have a blessed day! Maybe some of you ae facing mid-term test, I wish you luck :) And remember, always lean on God because He is our strength, our refuge.



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