Trials Come and Go

My weeks has been so busy that I can't even find time to write a post in my blog. Anyway, this is final test (UAS) week. Hooo! Semester 4 is going to over.
Trials come and go everyday. The trials make me to be more patient, humble and stronger at the same time. I know that God controls my life and He knows exactly what I'm facing now. So, I don't need to worry about anything, including the trials that come from Him too. Everytime I feel stuck, and not have motivation to continue, my friends always support and help me. I am really grateful that God sent them to me. I also learn many things from them.

Tetap semangat ya, semuanya karena satu dan lain hal. Keep leaning on Him, because it will be useless if we lean on our own strength.

How about you? Have you been busy with something too?


Have a blessed day guys! Gbu always :)



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