Lean on Human vs Lean on God

Leaning on human is disappointing.
Leaning on God is satisfying.

Leaning on human gives pain.
Leaning on God gives joy.

Leaning on human will give discouragement.
Leaning on God will give encouragement.

Leaning on human may lead to a misunderstanding.
Leaning on God leads to a deep understanding.

Leaning on human may lead to a mistrust.
Leaning on God surely leads to a trust.

Leaning on human sometimes leads to anger.
Leaning on God always leads to peace.

Leaning on human is a choice.
Leaning on God is a must.

Human has temporary life.
God is eternal.

Human is predictable.
God is unpredictable.

Human is limited.
God is unlimited.

Human cares about the looks.
God looks at the heart.

Human knows you from your life stories.
God creates your life stories.

God bless.
Nadya ❤️


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