Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

Merry Christmas everyone! Christmas might have ended, but the spirit and the joy still remains in our lives. Wherever you are, I hope that you had a great Christmas :)

Smile appeared on my face while I was looking at the pictures of me and my family, my friends. Those pictures are taken one year ago, two years ago, 3 years ago, and even further than that. I have spent around 4 hours since the clock turned to 7 pm doing few things that, perhaps for others, it might seem useless. But, I enjoyed it. I really like to see the old photos of me and my loved ones.

I started by checking my social media aka my Instagram account just to find out what my friends were doing or feeling that moment. Most of them are having a good time this holiday. I'm glad to know that. For me personally, I don't really like posting photos or status that indicate my activity or feeling. I do it sometimes, but not regularly, like every single time. You can follow me freely @nadyabrig. Then when I opened my WhatsApp, there was a group notification where my mentoring mates say happy birthday to me which is one day earlier. Hahaha…. Actually this always happens every year since I met them. Although I have told them over and over again, well my mentor said that it is an early happy birthday wish. All right then! All I can say is thank you :D

Left my social media, I moved on to read some articles on Ignite GKI which I found are inspiring. From an article about friendship to articles about waiting moment. Hmm.. You can guess that it's so interesting, right? Well, it is. I learned a lot from the articles I read which made me reflecting on myself. If you're curious, you can check them out on

One hour later, I opened my gallery on my phone and looked at the pictures, whether with my family, my friends, and even myself. I smiled unconsciously. Most of them are the good times. Even the people in the pictures have changed, they are not the same anymore, every moment in it remains the same. I still remember it well. On the other side, it's painful to know the reality that we can't be the same anymore just like in the old pictures. But, life must go on, mustn't it? I have to move on and face the reality. In less than 24 hours, we're gonna leave 2018. So, we have to be ready to greet 2019 no matter what.

By the way, today is exactly my day. The day which I celebrate every year to reminisce what I have experienced and left in the past. Most importantly, it is the perfect day to bring back the moments where God never left me in the good and hard times, He never gets bored of listening to my problems. To be honest, everything that I have achieved throughout this year is not because of my own strength, but because He strengthened me. How amazed I am when I realized about it.  

This is how I spent the last day of 2018 and my birthday at the same time. This year has been such a challenging, disappointing, and joyful year in many aspects. There are some times I wish I could be alone, I could go somewhere far away to scream, I could cry as loud as I want. Many things happened that broke my heart, felt like I couldn't do it anymore. But, at that time, I chose to come to God with a humble and share my feelings and problems. I know He wants me to come. That's how I overcome that moments. Not only that, there are also joyful moments where I could feel the togetherness within my classmates. For example, during the making of short film in April and we won the first place in the Short Film Competition held by the English Language Education Students Council (HMPELT). Another one is during the preparation and practice of musical drama which was held in November by HMPELT. The musical drama competition was held on the first of December in our campus. Although we didn't win, we were so having much time and grateful that we, the cast and the crew could perform and do our best on the stage.

How about you, guys? How did you spend the new year eve? Did you have a good time? No matter how you spent the special day, I hope you still give thanks to God for everything happened in your life in 2018. Please, don't lose hope to face 2019 because God will also walk beside you. For me, I am thankful, grateful, and blessed for whatever has happened in 2018. Happy new year 2019!

God bless.



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