The Renewed Hope

The sun arose in the east.
The birds tweeted on the trees.
The people got up from their sleep and started their day.

On the other side, there are some women who went to a tomb instead of doing their routines.
They were still gloomy because their beloved teacher had died and left them.
When they arrived at the tomb, they were surprised that the tomb was empty.

The teacher whom they adore all this time was not there.
The teacher who had been crucified was not lying on the stone of the tomb.
The teacher whom they believed would give hope was not found there.

In the midst of their misery, a man clothed in white and shiny came to them.
"Why are you seeking him who is alive among the dead?" he said.
"He is not here. He is risen!" he added.
Then they remembered about His words that the Son of Man must be delivered to the sinful men and be crucified, and on the third day He rise again.
The story above is not a fiction. It is real. It is written in the Bible. It is a good news for everyone.
This good news has been viral for two thousand years. This has been known from generation to generation, from nation to nation, from the east to the west.
There is no better news than this.

I believe that this good news is true. It is the truth. His resurrection has proved that Jesus is God and our Savior. He has paid our sins with His blood and sacrificed Himself on the cross so that we, the sinful humans can have an eternal life.

We who used to live in desperate life have been given a renewed hope from Him freely. It doesn't cost anything from us. We now know who we believe is the way, the truth, and the life.

Isn't it amazing?
Isn't it wonderful?
Isn't it mesmerizing?



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