One More Year

During this one-month holiday, I have to do and finish the first term paper. If you ever heard abouy what term paper is, you should understand. Why I say the first term paper? Because there will be the second one.

Let me tell you. The first one that I'm working on now will be about the philosophy of a teacher. The bad news is, it will be submitted on the beginning of July, which is less than 30 days from now! Hahaha

Then, I will have a second practicum at school aka Field Experience Program (PPL). We haven't got any information about the schools, the subject and the grade that we will teach. It makes me more nervous, you know? What we know is, the practicum will start on July 15 if your first paper is accepted. This makes me afraid, of course.

During the practicum, I'm gonna have to do a research in the classroom that will also be the topic that I have to write in the second term paper. Yeah, the second one is more about the real problem I find in the real classroom. The submission will be in September.

So, let's just hope and pray for the best. I know it's not gonna be busy at all. I know it's gonna take a lot of energy, time, and materials. Yet, I know and I believe that I'm not alone in this process. God is with me. He will strengthen me like what He always does. He will not let me down as long as I keep leaning on Him.

So, why do I make the title "One More Year"? Well, today is exactly one more year to go to my graduation day. Fyi, the Student Services (the staff who manage everything about the students' life in the college) have announced this thing since few months ago. This information, personally makes me to have a target and priorities to go for it until the finish line. It means that it's one year left for me to see my friends - classmates, roommates, juniors, and also the lecturers. Oh, I'm gonna miss them for sure. Everything about my college life and dormitory life will be memorable.

That's how my life is for now. I hope yours is greater and keep your way in God's way. Let Him take over your way and lead you.

God bless you.



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