Flashback of 2019

2019 is going to be over soon.
2019 is coming to an end.
It is going to be followed by a new year.
It is going to be replaced by a unique year, 2020.

Lots of thing happened during this year...
I'd like to have some flashbacks along this year...

Wonderful friends
Precious time
Unforgettable moments
Create a good rhyme

Laugh and joy
Lots of stuff to enjoy
Not only that exactly
Tears and sadness came
Desperate and ashame
Ruined our days wholly


2019 is begun with a fellowship with my classmates.
Followed by the sixth term of my study.
I got 8 courses to learn at the college in this 6th semester.
A new lecturer taught us in 2 subjects.
Chinese New Year vibes were in the end of this month.


My sister registered herself to the university where I study.
She passed the entrance test. I really thanked God that time.

I had a class together with my seniors and it was fun!


I enjoyed the beginning of this month.
There were moments where I could get closer with my friends.
But, sadly I had to say goodbye to my close friend in the end of this month.


I was so stressed in this month.
I felt like there was nobody who was really there for me when I needed them.
I was desperate that I even thought this was my lowest point during my study.


ELT Students Council held a competition called "Short Documentary Film Competition". Automatically, our class joined as well.

I joined the committee for graduation of my seniors.
My seniors officially graduated from the university.


I had a very long holiday.
But, I needed to work on my first term paper during the holiday.
I spend less than 2 weeks of the holiday at my home.


In order to find more references for my paper, I went to National Library of Indonesia (Perpusnas) for the first time and I was amazed.
I went there for the second time with my classmates, we even visited Monas which is near the Perpusnas.

I submitted the first term paper on July 5.
I got the opportunity to do the PPL on July 17 in a Christian school in West Jakarta.


I really enjoyed and excited everyday during my PPL.
I finished the PPL on August 16 with an unforgettable farewell.

PPL was over, returned to the reality, college life.
I had one more course to finish in this 7th semester, Basic Science.


ELT first gathering was held. For me, it's the last one :')

Another responsibility that I had to take care of was working on my second term paper.
Not only that, I also had an interview for my placement on September 16.

With God's strength, I finally finished my second term paper and submitted it on September 20.


The schedule of the Final Project Defense was out.
I did the defense on October 23 at 1 pm.
By God's grace, I passed the defense and it really made my day.


I did the revision for my final term paper and submitted on November 6.
I also uploaded it to the repository of my campus' library.
I did a project with other 5 friends to make doughnut from potato as our final test of Basic Science course.
ELT Students Council held a fun event called "Scavengers Hunt".


This month was full of events and celebrations here and there.
Started with annual event of my major, CreativELT on December 5 where me and my classmates performed a short drama (skit) and we only practiced for one week. However, we arereally proud of us.

I also had a Christmas celebration with my Care Group on December 9 with many considerations to make it happen.

Then, there was monthly event of my dormitory where we celebrated Christmas together.
Followed by Christmas celebration with my classmates only on December 10.

Last event before holiday, Christmas Assembly with all TC students. A very touching and inspiring message was delivered by the dean.

From those flashbacks, I see that I have gone through a lot of this and that.
God's grace never leaves me although I sometimes lean on myself.
I can conclude that God is so good, indeed.
There is no reason that I cannot give thanks to Him and trust His plans.

That's also applied for the next year.
Even though the next year seems hard or complicated, remember that our God is big.
Bigger than all your problems and anxiety.

Hope you can also have some flashbacks before we enter the new year and see God's unending grace in your life.

Images: personal



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