New Normal, New Stage of Life

It has been 3 months since we have to stay at home, work from home, and have online learning. There is a possibility that we need to be ready to "live harmoniously" with the coronavirus. As the pandemic of COVID-19 does not seem yet to reach its solution (I hope soon, of course), our government has set and prepared a lot for the new normal. So, what is actually the new normal? Let me try to explain it in simple way.

The word new is an adjective that refers to something that is never done before. In other words, nobody ever experience it before. The word normal itself is a noun, so it refers to a situation of life and habits that will be considered as normal or accepted in the meantime. New normal is a term that refers to a new lifestyle in order to handle the number of new cases of COVID-19 in communities. For this reason, we are expected to be able to live along with the coronavirus every day. How can it be possible? Well, in the past, humans have ever survived living along with HIV, influenza, and dengue fever. Well, it proves that we are also gonna be able to survive too, right?

On the other side, WHO has prepared some guidance and protocol for the new normal to be applied, such hand washing, mask wearing, physical distancing, and respiratory ethics. The Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Police of Republic of Indonesia (Polri) are going to stand by in places with high tendency of the virus spreading. Some cities are reported ready to apply the new normal in the beginning of June. Well, tomorrow is already June...

To be exact, there are 23 provinces that fulfill the conditions to apply the new normal:
1. Aceh
2. North Sumatera
3. Riau Islands
4. Riau
5. Jambi
6. Bengkulu
7. South Sumatera
8. Bangka Belitung
9. Lampung
10. Central Java
11. East Kalimantan
12. Central Kalimantan
13. North Sulawesi
14. Gorontalo
15. Cenral Sulawesi
16. West Sulawesi
17. South Sulawesi
18. Southeast Sulawesi
19. NTT
20. North Maluku
21. Maluku
22. Papua
23. West Papua

PSBB Rampung, Pemprov Jabar Siap Ikuti Anjuran New Normal

What do you think, guys? Sooner or later, we must face and live along with coronavirus. I hope you are living ready and still obeying the rules and law applied regarding the new normal life. For instance, we are entering the new stage of life. Literally new.

By the way, talking about the new stage of life, I also have my own. I'm gonna experience the life as a teacher real soon... My job placement announcement is on June 3, which means I'm gonna know where I will spend my life for 5 years ahead in three days! Worried, of course. But there is no good to keep worrying for things that do not yet surely come/happen. So, instead of worrying and wondering, I give it all to God. It is such an uncertainty, you know because life is full of uncertainties. But I have God who always keeps his promises absolutely. Check my writing about this topic here.

Finally, if you don't have any thing to do outside, please just stay at home, wash your hands regularly, keep physical distancing, as well as keep praying to God for everything that happens around us lately.

Facts and news are taken from:


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