Leaving My Comfort Zone

Comfort zone 

/ˈkʌm.fət ˌzəʊn/ (noun):

a situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested; you do not have to do anything new or difficult.

Hi everyone!

It's been so long since I post something in my blog. So, how are you anyway?

If you ask me, I am just on the process of leaving my comfort zone. Well, I have officially left my home and my family on June 27 (yup, 7 weeks ago). I have started the brand new stage of my life since then. This is the place where God sent me to serve Him.

There are many things that I learn from the process of leaving my comfort zone. As what I have put at the top line, comfort zone is a situation in which I feel comfortable and I don't have to do anything new or difficult. In other words, I am currently in the opposite situation. 

Let me share 3 things that I feel as I am leaving my comfort zone.

1. It is difficult.

We cannot deny that everyone doesn't like to something difficult. We always choose the easiest way that can help us to do something. Therefore, it is (very) difficult whenever you start something new, especially something that you never imagine before. Just like me, I'm still struggling to work in the new place and socialize with the others. To overcome this, I usually talk and ask for suggestion from my fellow partners as they have been in this place way longer than me. The key is you have a heart to learn something new.

2. It takes time.

The process of leaving the comfort zone is not instant for sure. There are a bunch of things that you need to face along the process. Not only that, but you also have to stay calm and be patient. You will be able to get 'the feel' with your new zone soon. Some people will get used to the new zone quicker than you, but that's fine. Everyone has their own process, right? Afterwards, you will call it as your current comfort zone soon.

3. Find a good company.

I strongly encourage you to find and be with people that you can go along with and easy to talk to. They really help you to adjust in the new zone, especially those who are in the same process with you. I am really grateful that I find that kind of people. I feel that I am not alone in this process. I have someone that I can share my one day activities with. 

What kind of process are you facing right now? I hope you can get familiar with it as soon as possible. Keep believing that God is with you. Also, it is not a coincidence that you are in the place where you are right now. God has set a plan for your life that you never imagine before.

Enjoy your new zone!

Palembang, August 2020



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