Indonesia, the Rich and Prosperous Country

Hello everyone! How are you? I hope you are all fine and healthy.

This time I would like to share my experience that I have just been through this week. The school where I teach now held an event called as "Pekan Nusantara." This event is basically an annual event that is similar with book week that was held last year. The theme of the event is "Indonesia Kaya, Indonesia Jaya". The meaning behind the theme obviously tells us that our country is rich and prosperous with everything in it.

Talking about the richness of our country. We cannot help but admit that our country is rich. Just look around you! You can see the trees and plants that are different with one another. Even some of them cannot be found in any other countries. The fact is our country has 10% of all types of flora in the world. So, we must be proud!

Besides that, there are so many (no, too many!) kinds of animals that spend their lives in our place. There are also native fauna that only live in our country, such as anoa, cendrawasih bird, orang utan, and more. These are the classification of the fauna in Indonesia: there are more than 500 kinds of mammals, more than 4000 kinds of pisces, more than 1600 kinds of aves, more than 1000 kinds of reptilia and amphibians, and more than 200000 of insecta. Yeah, another thing that we must be proud of!

Another important thing is the people in our country come from various background with their own characteristics. Look at your neighbor next to your door! They must come from different culture than you do. When you go to a restaurant or mall or a public facility, you can find there is uniqueness that is shown by each person. Not only their culture, but also religion, belief, language, and personal background. These differences is something that we should be proud of and we learn to respect each other.

I am glad that this week my students have learned a lot about the richness of Indonesia through the history of the old kingdoms (especially Hinduism and Buddhist kingdoms). They learn to respect the past of our country that was once called as Nusantara long before the independence day. They also learn that our country has gone through a lot of ups and downs until it could reach the prosperity as it has now.

On the other side, I am also thankful that I can live in Indonesia, the rich and prosperous country. I can meet and know different kind of people who come from various backgrounds and cultures. As I grow older, I keep on meeting unique people that I never met before. As life goes by, I get new insights about the diversity of our country. As Indonesia is reaching its 100 year-olds, I eager to give my best as my contribution to persevere the richness and prosperity of our country. 

Hopefully, as one nation the people of Indonesia can stand together, hand in hand to reach the goals and develop the richness to keep being prosperous. It also includes no more fighting with one another and discrimination in any kind of situation. I know it's difficult but we have to do the good ways to be the country that is known with its richness and prosperity.

God bless Indonesia.

~Palembang, 301020



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