Highlights of Twenty, Twenty-two

Hi, how are you everyone? I hope you guys are in good condition since we are currently enjoying our holiday. Christmas holiday, new year's holiday, school holiday, you name it. We are on holiday! I'm sure you spend this holiday by doing things that you can't do in working days, enjoying stuff you usually never do it. 

The word 'holiday' itself has already given the right amount of meaning.

time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do what they want, such as travel or relax   -Cambridge Dictionary-

As for me, I'm enjoying my holiday by watching K-drama, reading novels, writing journal, and now posting on my blog.

This is truly going to be a long post since ever. As the title says, I wanna share the highlights of 2022. The good things that I have through, the moments which warms my heart, the times when I'm so grateful, and the days that bring me joy.


This is taken when I was about to depart from Jakarta to Palembang. Yeah, I got opportunity to spend my last new year's holiday at home with them. It's so sad to not be able to do the exact same thing.

This is taken at my workplace in Palembang. My colleagues celebrated the late birthday of us (me and another colleague that sits next to me). Her birthday is at the beginning of January anyway. So, we as a team, decided to celebrate the birthday together. Not only this birthday cake, we also had martabak.

My favorite drama came to an end. Our Beloved Summer brings me warm and bright smile during the times I watched it. The characters with different personalities teach me to just enjoy life as how we're supposed to do. The love line between the main characters also bring deep emotions.


Just a normal day of me and my friends going back home after a long day at school. The sun was pretty at that day, so I decided to capture the view and our face with my phone.

Out of nowhere, we went to the mall and found an interesting photo box. Of course, we didn't wanna miss the chance to get a great quality photos with a low budget. This is how it came out with magical princess castle as the background.


My colleagues and I celebrated one of our teammate's birthday. Yes, she is right in the middle. This is the last day of work before we had a quarter break.

Me and my friends from the same cohort went to Palembang Bird Park as our to-do list during the quarter break. The place was not that crowded, so we could easily enjoy feeding the birds, observing their unique looks, and taking selfies obviously

On different day (still on the quarter break), we spent time at a café hanging out together. Right at that place, we had another to-do list as we planned on going somewhere far away on the next quarter break.


I woke up early to not missing the sunlight in the morning (read: weekend). I jogged and stretched for about 1 hour. Unfortunately, I was not consistent enough to do this routine because it only lasted for 1 month every Saturday morning.

The first time our school opened for on-site learning after 1.5 year. I was so grateful to meet my students in person even only for the last two months. It's not full team yet, but it's already given me the real vibe of being a teacher.


This is taken on Vesak day celebration where my students made a heart chain with different color as a symbol to show tolerance to one another as we live in diverse community.

We celebrated one colleague's birthday which is the youngest among us. Kezia, who is holding the cake in the middle, couldn't hide her smile behind the mask.


This is my students when they got to perform a drama performance about the kingdoms that ever existed in Indonesia. Although we couldn't perform it on real stage, they still enjoyed it though.. 

We sang and danced the famous song from the High School Musical film titled "We're All in This Together". We chose this song as our team performance on teacher's appreciation day to appreciate every single person who has worked so hard along the academic year and remind us that we are all in this together.

This is a farewell day for the colleagues whose plan is going to continue their career out of Palembang city. I believe this farewell gave a deep meaning for them because everyone enjoyed every little sharing.


During the school holiday, I met these people who are also my colleagues at work. Well, one of them was my colleague in Palembang, then she moved to Jakarta. Glad to meet them all at once. We ate at the campus cafeteria, visited our dormitory, and took a picture together, after that we spent some time at the mall.

Another trip with my family during the holiday is checked. We went to a famous green city park in Jakarta. The challenging part is we went there by Transjakarta and MRT (this one is my first time taking this transportation). We made it until we could arrive at home safely. That was such a now-or-never moment.

This is taken on the first week of teacher's preparation before school. We had a photo session for all teachers and staffs. We, teachers from the same cohort, didn't want to miss this chance to take a picture together. So, yeah... We showed our big smile and cheerful face here :))


My friend, Janet, who is in the middle celebrated her birthday. Of course, we took the picture together after the school ended (re: after the working hour). I think this one is the most normal picture compared with bunch of random pictures where we put various backgrounds as if we are at photo studio. 

On the Independence Day, we had a flag ceremony in the morning. It took only 1 hour but the hot and sweat was real felt by my students. After that, we had a fun activity which is painting on a tote bag with our creativity. Some drew the Indonesian flag, some wrote "Merdeka", and some even wrote their hope for Indonesia.


In the end of this month, PSTC (Parent Student Teacher Conference) was held. I was absolutely nervous on those two days where I met my students' parents and talked about their development at school, both in academic and behavior area. 

Fyi, I only put one picture in this month because there was a shocking accident hit me. It happened when me and my friends were on our way back home from work. My phone got stolen by the mysterious-evil-heartless human on his motorcycle passing by us. I screamed, cried, shouted, got dizzy and headache and stomachache, and the list goes on... Thankfully, a lot of people including my school community supported me with everything they can do. That was one thing I learned the most for living in Palembang, to be extremely careful and take care of ourselves.


During the quarter break, my friends and I went on a super exciting trip. We went to Pagar Alam, which is already beyond Palembang. We left the city at 5 am, and it took around 8 hours to get there. I enjoyed the trip in the first half, but the last half was not really good. I got dizzy, a stomachache, that made me puke at the rest area. 

Nevertheless, the next morning we climbed up to Mount Pagar Alam by riding a car that we had booked. The road was steep and not straight, of course. We arrived at the top at 6 am with an unspeakable coldness. We continued by walking down the mountain with a very pleasant view that surely refreshes our eyes.

In the end of this month, our school celebrated its 10th year anniversary. We had an event called Book Week. The main point of this event is the whole school community read one book titled "The Pilgrim's Progress". On the culminating day, we celebrated it with some journey activity similar as the story in the book. We dressed as the pilgrims which is mostly black and white color. 


Here is me with my family who had a video call for celebrating my parents' wedding anniversary. I got a bit emotional during the call since I haven't talked to and seen them for so long. I believe God always takes care of them as what He always does to me.

In the morning of Teacher's Day, one student came to the class while bringing in these flowers. My heart was so touched by this sweet gift. Then, more students came in and gave another sweet and precious gifts for me. I was really thankful for all their honest appreciation for me.


This is the last day of school aka the report card day. We had so much fun on that day, not only because they got to get their report card, but because we really enjoyed the moments we had shared. We played games, had some reflection, and also had potluck party (re: sharing food together). Yassh! 

In the first week of the school holiday, I spent one day to go to the cinema with my friends to watch the latest and most awaited film from the famous director, James Cameron "Avatar 2" with additional title "The Way of Water". I'm not going to give any spoilers here, but as you can guess from its title, the film will taka place in, on, and under water. Trust me, it's soooo good!

On Christmas Day, I went to church and reflected on the classic-yet-amazing story of how God intended to come to the earth as a man and how He brought light to our heart, so that we are enabled to share the light to our surroundings. 


Twenty, twenty-two
Thank you for all the virtue
You have shown a lot of good points too

Started it all by being energetic
Expected everything to be so strict
Work, work, and work it's hectic

Wanted to go through it all peacefully
While enjoying the things I love normally
Turned out to face this and that unexpectedly

Thought it's going to be exciting
Wondered how it would give any meaning
Ended up with being mind-blowing

Twenty, twenty-two
Thank you for all the virtue
I have learned a lot of good points too
That God is always at the rescue

~NB, 301222~


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