The First Chapter in 2024

I started off the first month in this year by making a resolution. As we all know, resolution is something that you want to do, make, or achieve as we improve or change some parts of our life.

Here is my top 3 resolutions for this year:

  • Read books more.

I want to challenge myself to read books more than did last year. So far, I have been currently reading 2 novels. One of them is mine which I haven't finished since the first time I bought it two years ago. The other one is from the library at my workplace which I borrowed last year but I still haven't finished it yet. So, I want to finish these two books before entering February.

  • Go jogging every weekend.

I used to go jogging with my friend when I was in the college (which has been 4 years since the last we went jogging together). I have ever done this before when I started working as a teacher, but it only lasted for a few months. The so much stuff to do has successfully made me staying in my bed instead of jogging to feel the warm sun. So this year, I push myself to go out jogging every Saturday morning. I have always done it so far this month. Hopefully, this routine can be a habit that I can do consistently.

  • Write something that feels so memorable.
I want to bring back my writing hobby this year. For your information, I started writing in Blogger since I was in junior high school. Since then, I wrote for up to 6 posts in my blog every year. When I was in the college days, I could write 1-2 posts every month in a year. Oh, how I really miss those days where I could write a lot. Since I moved to Palembang, live and work here, I hardly can find a good time for me to write. If I have a free time, I usually take a rest by sleeping, watching drama or film, listening to music, or just scrolling my social media timeline. That is why, I want to push myself again to write, both in my personal journal and my personal blog (yes, this blog). 

That's all I can share for now. The top 3 resolutions above does not mean that I only have 3 resolutions. I have more, but I can only share these 3 to you.

I hope you find this post useful and inspiring.

Palembang, 270124


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