God Sent Me To UPH TC

This year I've got a very long holiday. This long holiday is different with previous holidays. Just imagine, my long holiday has been started after National Examination (Ujian Nasional) ended until the beginning of August. There were not many big things that I've done during holiday. I just use my leisure time to do what I love to refresh my body and my mind, such as practice with keyboard, clean up my room, watching dramas and Running Man, and also hang out with my friends.

During holiday, it means that I can meet my big family who I can't meet on school days. There was one most asked question when I met them, whether it's asked by my cousins, my aunts, my uncles, and my grandma: "Where will you study?". They all know that I have just graduated from senior high school, so it was a very reasonable question. My answer was, "I will study at UPH.". They seemed like happy and proud. "Woahh congratulations!", one of family member said. More than that, they were more surprised that I could be accepted at UPH by scholarship program. They were like, "Are you serious? How can you be accepted?" "UPH is a great campus and you will study there for free?" I was like, "Yes, thank God!" Finally, they gave me a big support, "Good luck ya! You deserve this.".

As I said, I get a scholarship to study at UPH (Universitas Pelita Harapan). It is located in Lippo Village, Karawaci. So, what is TC as seen as the title of this post? TC is short of Teachers College, one of the faculties at UPH, where the students learn how to be a good, responsible and full-of-love Christian teacher. The program is offered to all high school graduates in Indonesia who are called by Him to transfrom the education in Indonesia. The 100% scholarship program is devoted to TC students for 4 years including tuition fee, books, dorm, meal, and transportation.

Maybe some of you think that it's too good that a university gives all for free without any fee. No! You are totally wrong. There were many requirements that I had to discussed with my parents and God. I knew that if I accept this scholarship, I have to accept the consequences too. I will have to provide compensation through teaching at schools that have been determined by the foundation.

It wasn't easy at all to accept the scholarship. When I signed up myself for SNMPTN (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) on March, I was hesitated. TC scholarship announcement had not been announced and if I weren't accepted, I had to register to another university. In the other hand, what if I was accepted in both UPH TC and PTN (Unpad was my choice)? If I chose Unpad, then I would lose the TC scholarship. But if I chose TC scholarship, then my school would be black-listed from choosing Unpad in SNMPTN next year. Arghh it was really tough!

I asked God for giving me the best solution so we can go through it well. A week after UN ended, the letter from UPH came to my house. It was written that I had been accepted to study at UPH TC with scholarship. Oh I was really really shocked and excited and thankful!

After discussing with my parents and praying with God, I accepted the scholarship and signed the scholarship agreement contract. I collected it on May 7 2016, right exactly before the announcement of UN and SNMPTN.

Still on the same day, May 7 2016, the result of SNMPTN had been announced along with the result of UN. The announcement said that I wasn't accepted in PTN that I had chosen. That day, I didn't even know how to react to the result. I was sad and happy at the same time. I was sad because I couldn't study in Unpad, one of the best university in this country. Also I was happy that God had prepared another university that is no less good for me, so I had nothing to worry.

God sends me to UPH TC is not because of no reason. He knows that I have a dream to be a teacher who gives a very big impact to every student even until they grow up. I know He will never leaves me, I believe He has amazing plan for me, and I lean on His promises which is never too late.

I hope you can hear His call for you soon. Just trust in Him and do not lean on your own understanding. With God all things are possible ;)

God bless :)



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