Brand New Christmas Celebration

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas is the most waited moment of the year. Christmas is the most unforgettable moment of the year. Christmas is how we reflect ourselves to receive the good news of Jesus' born day. He came to the world as a human and saved this full-of-sin world.

This year I experienced a brand new Christmas celebration. Since I live and stay in dormitory, automatically I have many events which is related to dormitory life or college life. I am very grateful for being here, for joining all those events, for being me. Because most of the events make me to always be myself.

The first official event was Christmas Assembly which was organized by a student committee from my faculty. It was held on last Wednesday, 14 December 2016 at 9-11 am. In this event, shown a short video about the moments of our seniors who have gone through their last practicum a few months ago. It was a blessing for me because I could see their spirit and enthusiasm while teaching in the classroom and interacting with their students. After that, we had a sharing time where I and some friends in a small group shared what we felt for this semester.

The second event was on Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 8 am - 12 pm. I thought it would be a flat event because the duration was too long. But, the reality was the event was fun and ended on time. We had a worship first and then sharing. Share our thoughts about others and what to do to help them to be better next year. After that, we had a meal time which was my favorite because i like eating. Hahaha... In the end, we got a present from each other.

Still on the same day, the third event was called Floor Meeting which was organized by a committee from 7th floor;s residents of dormitory. The theme was Christmas for Nations. Every balcony of 7th floor took part to show the nationality of a city in Indonesia by singing the national Christmas song. It was so fun seeing other participants singing and showing their nationality.

The forth event was held on Friday, 16 December 2016 which was TC Info Christmas Celebration. It started at 2-4 pm and like before we had a sharing time, meal time, and got a present from each other. Closed by taking photos after we opened our present. Although a little of us didn't come or couldn;t come, but I was so thankful that the event went well and full of laugh and love. Special thanks to PICs and Supervisors.

Well, it is my Christmas story and experience, how about you? Everyone has their own story about Christmas. I hope you guys have a wonderful, joyful, and blessed Christmas with whomever and wherever you are!

Happy holiday and keep being holy in your holiday yeaa... Jesus bless us <3



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