9 Months Old

Today (minus 1 day) is exactly 9 months old of my life living in dormitory. You know how it's gone so far? A lot of struggle, circumstances, storm, wave, rocks.. I can feel big changes in my life that maybe anyone never realizes it. But I know myself. I know that I have changed a lot. I know that those changes would never be felt by me if I didn't decide to be here.

I can't imagine, actually, I could survive here until today. Everytime I feel it's too much for me, it's too hard for me, it's too heavy for me, I thought that I was the only one who felt that. But, no.. Everyone feels the same way just like me. There's nothing different between us because we face the same problems, we do the same assignments, we attend the same events.

At the end of March, I read a letter from myself that was written last year. Wait, what? Yes, the letter was written last year in February. It was sent to me a year after, so I could read it this year. When I read it, oh mann... It was funny to read my own writings. I smiled and laughed when reading it. Hahaha... In the letter, I wrote that I would study in UPH and.. yep that comes true. Most of my writings in the letter is just about my prediction and wishes from last year.
Not only that, I wrote again a letter to my self to be sent next year. Because I think this kind of letter is useful to make me gong flash back to the day when I wrote it. From the letter, I can also learn many things from myself for one year that has passed by.

Well, I have just finished my 2nd semester in the end of March. I'm so so thankful for being able, for being strengthened, for being led by God this whole semester. I couldn't do and finish it without Him. There were many happy moments such as when I could present our group work well, when I got a good score, when I was appreciated by my friends, when I celebrated my birthday with my roommates, and so on.. However, there were also many sad moments such as when my group mates didn't cooperate well, when I couldn't get good score for my quiz, when I woke up late and came late to class, when my class lost 2 persons, and so on..

Hmm it was not easy. It was hard. For May and June, we still had a lot of activities that must be run although the academic activities is over. All of us must. So, yeahh I can't go shopping or hanging out with my friends if the situation is like this. Haha :D

I hope for the best for my third semester. Before that, I, as part of the New Students Orientation committee 2017, hope that the committee can have a good cooperation and communication. It's just more few days for our seniors living in dormitory, then they will know which school they will be placed for the reciprocation, and they will graduate soon in June. Wow! Time goes so fast, doesn't it?

This is just a little that I can share to you. I hope you can learn something from this. Hehe :)
God bless you.



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