Helping is Impacting

These days, I have been gone through many activities (most of them are non-academic activities). Though I was busy and tired because I still didn't get enough time to sleep, I tried to be grateful. Because being grateful is not as easy as we spell the word, I always tell myself to stop complaining. You know, humans tend to complain when they face struggles and have problems. I guess everyone of us still complain when the situation starts to get hard.

Since last Monday, I was busy helping my friend in doing his project as a semi-finalist of Ambassadors of UPH 2017. No doubt, I'm proud of him! He has to do a project as the way he presents or make our university be better to all the students. I, and a friend of mine helped him from making the design of the brochures until distributing them to the students and ask them to participate and support him. Our time, our ideas, our energy, even our money have been given in this project. At first, I felt like, "It was wasting my time so much because it's not my project, then why do I have to do this? I should've done my work in other place!".  I know I was such an evil. But my friend, a girl (who acts like a boy) who was also with me, said that he is our brother, we should help him no matter what. "Who else would help him beside us? We're doing this not because we don't have stuff to do, but because he is our friend, our brother. How can we just stay calm when needs our help?", she continued.

The way she said those words made me realize that this life is not just about to show the best of you to the world, but also to show your best to be impactful to the world. By helping your family, your friends, your brothers and sisters, and even people who you don't know, you have given an impact to their life whether it's a big impact or small impact (it depends on how the person you help responds).

Acts 20:35 says
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'
Lord gave us command to help the weak because it is more blessed to give than to receive.
I have learned that the sentence it is more blessed to give than to receive is true. I don't know how to describe the feeling when I helped my friend who was really in need. I felt like this is what God wanted me to do. He wanted me to help my friend although I couldn't help that much, but I believe it doesn't matter. Because for God there is no limitation in helping people. I was grateful I could help my friend.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 says
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
Try to encourage your friends to help and care about each other as the children of God, the One True King.

God bless you all!



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