Pray without Ceasing

Hey everyone! Today is 11-11-17. I wanna share something to you that might be called miracle. 

It happened in the end of the last month. I was told by my mom via chat. When I read her message, I was just shocked and hope that my dad was okay. I was afraid to message or even to call my dad. I thought about it every night before I went to sleep for three days. On Saturday, October 30 2017, I went home and found the situation at home was different than usual. In short, when I was having dinner before I went back to dormitory, my dad came to me and talked about his problem. I listened to him and controlled my self to not crying. But, my tears fell down at last. I went back to dorm by bus at 8 pm and I arrived at campus at 8.30 pm. All I did when I was on my way back was just listening to the music and praying while giving thanks to God.

I decided to tell this problem to my best friend. I waited for her at somewhere and of course, she came, only to listen to me. I told everything to her. I told my feeling, my dad's feeling, and the condition at home. Then, I went back to my room at dormitory. I felt very relieved after I 'curhat' to her. I was really thankful to God that He sent me someone like her who I can put my trust in.
Thank you bro!

As days went by, on Tuesday, my dad came to campus. He brought some stuff that I need. He made his promise to come that I thought he was just joking before. So, after I had dinner with my friends, I waited for him at drop point of campus. He told me about his problem more deeply than our last meeting at home. He also cried. Yeah... sometimes the best medicine to heal our heart, even for the man is to cry. Before he left, we prayed together. I hugged him and took a picture with him. I didn't know that it would be so comfortable when I hugged him. Really...

I kept praying about this to God. Fyi, on November 2, my parents celebrated their wedding anniversary. I couldn't do anything because I stayed at dorm and was busy with college stuff. I just posted their photos on Instagram and Facebook. Four days later, on November 6, my dad celebrated his birthday. I was so late when I said happy birthday to him.

Two days ago, he had a job interview in Tangerang. We, my family prayed for him. And, yesterday morning, he sent a message that says that he is accepted for the job that he has been interviewed for. I am really thankful to GOD. It's like a miracle that He gives a way out for our family. When the communication between my parents didn't go well as usual, when my dad committed to be closer to God, when my sister also didn't seem to understand the condition at home, God is not just silent. He never leaves us. He always listens to our prayer. He always watches over everything that we do. Oh... how sweet He is. How great is my God, our God!

I always love this one verse and keep it in my mind:
Pray without ceasing.  (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Hope this story can be a blessing for your life. Keep believing in Him. He is never too late to do His promise. There's nothing to be worried and afraid of. Everything is beautiful in His time.

Thank you for reading. Have a good day, everyone!
God bless :)



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