Tomorrow is December

Hey guys!
Believe it or not, I'm writing this at 3 a.m. Yeah.. only for today. I can't sleep because I have just drunk coffee which really affects me to stay awake until now. I don't know.

I have just gone through a lot of final exams. I have done assignments, almost all of them. There are only 2 assignments left that I need to finish. There were many things whether the happy one, the sad one, or the meaningful one. All of them have given me a life lesson. 

In the very end of this month, I wanna give my thanks to God because it is only by His grace that I can live my life until today. I'm really thankful for what God has given to me, freely. For the mornings that although I always wake up late, I never come late at class. For the food that I eat every single day that I never even think about the people who have cooked it and provided it for us. For the lessons that I get every day, whether at class or from the devotion and chapel. For friends around me who always support me and care about me. For my parents who never forget even one day to not pray about me in their prayers. And... many more that I can't mention one by one because God is just too good for me. Not good, but HE IS THE BEST.

I'm thankful to God that He never leaves me and lets me down even though I sometimes forget Him and just lean on my strength. Who am I? I'm just a very small human being that you created me so perfectly. I don't know what to say to describe your greatness. It is just undescribable!

Well, I believe that He is always with you too, guys. Just come to Him with humbly and give your problems to Him. He will listen. He always listens to our prayers. And He will definitely give you solution, no matter what. He will definitely open the door for you in His time. Especially, Christmas is coming soon. Tomorrow is already December, my favorite month.. Hehehe. I can't wait for holiday and of course, Christmas time.. I hope we all have a great holiday this year :D

Thank you guys for stopping by! Have a blessed day!
Jesus bless you :)



  1. Hey, it's very nice to read your blog..
    Keep it up!

    1. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Glad to know it!


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