Congraduation Seniors!

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
Familiar with the verse above? It is taken from John 15:5. This verse is also the foundation of UPH's theme this year "Bearing Fruit". From this verse, we can learn that we can't live without Him who is the vine. We must always abide in Him because apart from Him we can do nothing.

Today is a very special day especially for my seniors (cohort 2014) of Teachers College UPH. They have just graduated today. Wow! I was amazed with today's event: the procession, the video that tells about their origin and placement, and also the performances from the students. After being equipped for 4 years, now they are officially Christian teachers who are ready to develop the life of the nation.

Almost 1 year I have spent my days with these girls especially with the seniors (Kak Tirsa and Kak Febby). I still remember the day when we moved to the new room, I felt strange. I never thought that I would be in the same room with them. In fact, I didn't know them before. There was a worry in me, I wonder, "Will I be able to adjust in this room? Will I be able to socialize with them? Will I be able to get closer with them?" Those questions kept around my mind. But, as the time went by, they (my roommates) including the seniors are not as strange as I thought before. They are actually funny, full of thoughts, and inspiring. That's why there is a famous quote that says "Don't judge a book by its cover."

Well, this post I present not only to congratulate my beautiful seniors for their graduation, but also to my roommates who are unique in their own way. We're going to move to a new room sooner or later. The thing is, thank you for everything that we have gone through in our comfort room. I learned a lot from every one of you.

Once again, happy graduation to all seniors of TC Cohort 2014 especially my 'kakak kamar'! You have fought a good fight. But, it's not finished yet, it's just the beginning. There is a very long race ahead, but don't worry sis, our God has prepared everything for you.
I just can pray the best for you! Happy serving in His field!




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