Fruitful Walking

Happy Sunday everyone! How is your Sunday? Have you shared the good news to someone? What things that have become blessings for people around you? I hope you have a cheerful and blessed Sunday :)

By the way, I want to share what I have got from today's sermon at chapel this morning.
Taken from Galatians 5:16-26, there are three questions that Paul ask in this chapter.

1.) Why must we walk by the Spirit?
There are two reasons:
> There is no other way. You will never be able to say no to your sinful desires. You always fail if you think that you can do it by your own power.
> The battle between the sinful desires and the desires of the Spirit is real. This battle is going on inside us. It is to say no to the temptations. What I want to, I do the opposite. What I don't want to do, that's what I do.

2.) What is the result if we walk by the Spirit?
There are two results that we will accomplish:
> We are no longer a slave of our sinful desires. Our sinful desires have already been crossed. We can be free from them. We can say no to the desires of flesh. 
> The fruit of the Spirit is the outcome of walking by the Spirit. The word 'fruit' is singular. It means that nine of them are one unit, they are inseparable. To produce the fruit, you don't produce it directly but it needs long progress. For example, patience grows in you as you walk by the Spirit when God sends you hard people to your life. 
There are three categories of the fruit of the Spirit as in the following:
  • Love, joy, peace --> attitudes to God
  • Patience, kindness, goodness --> attitudes to others
  • Faithfulness, gentleness, self control --> attitudes to self

3.) Even if we fail, how can we be sure that we are able to walk by the Spirit? 
The problem is we often fail. We do sins over and over again. So, how can we be sure that we are able to walk by the Spirit?
Our flesh has already been crucified at the cross. But, the sinful desires are still there. Sometimes it tempts us, but it is no longer able to dominate us. You can be confident because it has already been nailed at the cross by Jesus.
You and people around you wil see the growth of the fruit of the Spirit. It is true that the battle will not always be easy. We will struggle with sin until we die. But, if the Spirit lives in you, as you grow older you will see the growth of the fruit.

Walking in the Spirit means living every day looking up to Jesus and following His way. And when I give Him all of me, just like a mighty tree. My actions will become sweet fruit for all the world to see. Galatians 5 lists all nine fruits the Spirit wants to grow. And if you read them for yourself, you will be sure to know.

That LOVE comes first–the kind you choose,
Not feelings you may lose,
But actions that show sacrifice,
And branch out the Good News.

And then comes JOY, that you can hold
No matter what life brings
It’s the Song of all God’s promises
The glad heart daily sings.

Sweet PEACE comes next, a quiet heart
Though life may twist and turn,
Then PATIENCE shows it wants no part
Of sparks that quickly burn.

KINDNESS is an active fruit
It treats others with care
The love of Jesus is the root
That spreads it everywhere.

GOODNESS knows and does what’s right–
Its actions match God’s teaching
It spreads His shining, perfect light
Into a dark world reaching.

FAITHFULNESS is like a rock,
A firm and steady friend
Who never leaves you hanging–
But is loyal to the end.

GENTLENESS is tender strong.
It turns the other cheek.
It rarely ruffles when it’s wronged.
(It’s a synonym for “meek.”)

And then at last, fruit number nine,
(Its growth requires practice).
It doesn’t lash out, pout, or whine,
Or prickle like a cactus.
It doesn’t need to over-dine
Or lick clean the ice cream bowl;
For with the Spirit/Helper, you can have fruit SELF CONTROL.

When you put the nine together,
A fruit salad you will make
That proves to all the world your life
Is lived for Jesus’ sake!




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