
What comes to your mind when you hear the word love? What do you think love is? How much love can affect someone's life?

Some people say that love hurts. You better not fall in love, all you get is pain. Some people say that love makes you out of your mind. You should feel it, because it makes you doing something that you've never done before. Some people say that love is comforting. The feeling of comfort where you can be yourself without being afraid or shy is irreplaceable.

I don't know which one is correct. Maybe the three statements above are all true. I, myself actually never felt that. Till now, I still wonder what love is. How does it feel to love someone that you never imagined will meet before? How far that someone can change your life? This post is not gonna talk about the love that we feel from our family and friends. Instead, this post is gonna talk about the love that reacts between two persons, two human beings, two souls (man and woman).

My close friend is facing a kinda unclear relationship. It's complicated. I'm not gonna share it here. The point is, she keeps telling me that it's very hard for her.

Well, for a person who never know exactly how it feels to fall in love with someone, I think that I'm useless. I mean I can't really give a solution for her because once again, I never had a relationship before. I never really get butterflies when I see the one that I think is good looking. Of course, I have ever liked someone, my classmate in high school. I also know how it feels when he talks to other girls, and finally he decided to be in a relationship with a girl in our class. That time I thought that I fell in love with him. But now, I think it's just a feeling of admiration and adoration. It's sad actually.

Ahh.. I don't know. Is it only me? 樂

Hmm... I have no idea how people can have the same feeling and decide to be in a relationship. Also, I have no idea how come some people break up in the end when they confessed each other's feeling in the beginning. The common cause is one of the two persons doesn't trust to another or they don't trust each other. 

Well... Life is complicated, so is love. This feeling is beautiful that you kinda fly to the sky with birds and flowers around you. In the other side, it is painful for some people that you can't think rationally anymore, then you forget how to be happy with yourself.

Sometimes (not all the time) I wish i can have this feeling. Sometimes I'm jealous with my friends who already have a boyfriend. It must be nice to have someone who really take care of you, ask how you are doing, accompany you going somewhere, do things you never did before. I wish I can be in a relationship with someone (while I'm still young and have much time. Huehehe ). I wish, yeah I wish... Even so, I still enjoy being alone. I really enjoy only with myself. I can go anywhere I want, I can do whatever I want. Nobody can stop me. Nobody can disturb me. And that's a good thing.
For you all who are in a relationship now, please keep your relationship. Try to trust and understand your boy/girlfriend no matter what. Just prove that you really love him/her. For you all who are in a complicated relationship like my close friend is in now, pray to God and ask Him. I may not know your problem, but our God knows. Don't worry, things are going to work out. 



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