Things You Shouldn't Forget to Do During Holiday

Welcome to holiday!
Some of us have a very long holiday, some of us have a short holiday. Me, actually only have one week holiday. It doesn't matter. The point of holiday is we can gather with our family, friends, and loved ones. We can build a closer relationship, know each other, and do some reflections.

According to Cambridge Dictionary,
holiday (n) /ˈhɑː.lə.deɪ/
a time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do what they want, such as travel or relax.
Although we have much free time, relax, and do whatever we want, it doesn't mean that we forget few things that we still should do during holiday. Here I wanna share some things we shouldn't forget to do during holiday.

1. Take a bath
It should be recognized that many of us are too lazy to take a bath during holiday. Most of us think holiday means lazy time. It means we can do whatever we can't do during workdays, including taking a bath. Did you know if you don't take a bath in a day, it will cause bacteria to grow in your body. It will be worse if you're gathering with your family or friends, and they smell something not good that comes from your body. I'm sure you're gonna feel embarrassed. So, make sure you go take a bath twice a day even when you don't go anywhere. In fact, you will feel refreshed after taking a bath.

2. Clean up your room
Still related with number one, only because it's holiday you can be lazy as much as you want. Instead, you can use your free time to clean up the mess in your home, especially your bedroom. Books, old school stuffs, and others can be more organized. You can also redecorate your room as what you like. It's your room, so it's up to you! Don't let any family member or your friends who visit your home become shocked when they see your room.

3. Pray and read the Bible
This is the most important thing of all. You know, praying is like an oxygen for the believers. You can't live without it. You will feel hard when you don't breath. So, no matter how fun and great your holiday is, take your time to pray even only for a moment, a few minutes. God doesn't see how long your prayer is, but He sees your sincerity, He sees your heart. Let your heart talk to Him, whether you are on the way to somewhere or you are gathering with your family.
Reading the Bible is related with praying. You know, it is our spiritual food. Our spirit will not grow if it's not fed. There will be bad damage in it. So, don't forget to read the Bible as what God wants us to. He wants us to know Him more and we can know Him more through reading the Bible. Ask Him for wisdom so that He guides you when you read it and you may clearly understand it and gratefully receive it.

That's what I can share for now. If you have some things in your mind, don't hesitate to share on the comment section. Thank you and happy holiday!

God bless :)



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