What is the Best Thing You Have Ever Given to Someone?

Hello everyone! How are you these days? Great to write on my blog again. I, myself is a bit good. I'm going to face mid-term week soon. My classmates and I have been going through the hectic atmosphere in our days. 

Six more days to the new month. Sometimes we are too busy with our routines that we don't even realize that September 2018 is going to end, the new month is coming soon, and Christmas is only 3 months away. No matter how busy you are, I hope you can still spend some time with your loved ones and enjoy every moment of your life.

Anyway, we can't stop the time or even make it slower. It just passes no matter what. If we don't use the time that God has given to us wisely, we will regret it in the end, we will miss the moments that we should get. Talking about time and also related with the title of this post: What is the best thing you have ever given to someone?

For me personally, time is the best thing I have ever given to someone.You know, when you have given your time to someone is such a wonderful thing because you have given your little portion of your life (which is time) that can't go back again. Yes, we can't turn back time. That's why we regret many things that we wish we could turn back time and do once more in a better way. 

Can you imagine if someone gives a portion of his/her life just for you? He/she gives it without taking for granted to listen to your problem, to give a shoulder when you need to cry, to give solution, to hug you, and to pray for you. You are sooo lucky if you have that kind of person which means that they put you in their priorities.

As I stated above, the best thing I have ever given to someone is time. How about you guys?



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