Semakin renggang atau semakin akrab?

There are moments when you feel like you know someone better than anyone else. And that makes you proud somehow. You are the one who know that person inside and outside. You are the only one who can really understand him/her just by looking at his/her face. You can feel his/her pain or joy as if you are in his/her position.

There are also moments when you feel like you do not know someone better than anyone else. And that makes you sad somehow. You are not sure you know that person inside nor outside. You are not the only one who can really understand him/her. There is someone else who knows him/her much better than you. You cannot put yourself in his/her position.

Those are the moments that myself has experienced. I did a self-reflection then I see that this is regarding to my relationship with God. Well, there are moments when I feel like I know Him better than anyone else, even my friends, my family, and my lecturers. I enjoy spending time to praise and worship Him. On the other hand, there are moments when I do not know about Him as well. I feel like I am so far away from Him even though I often listen and read the Word of God.


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