Write A Letter for Your Future Self

Have you ever imagined you got a letter from yourself a year ago, two years ago, or even ten years ago? Have you ever wondered what would it be like to read a letter written by yourself in the past? Have you ever thought that it would be a pleasant moment or a sad moment? Well, I have ever got one, two letters from myself 1 year ago and it was a wonderful feeling to read it by myself.

By writing a letter to my future self, i wanna share 3 benefits that I get:
  1. Reminisce what happened in the past. It makes me go in a flashback because I might have forgotten what happened in the past. When I read my letter, I can recall the moments that happened that time. It just feels great knowing that time has gone by so fast.
  2. Learn from the past. It is true that we should live in the present and do not look back. It's true. However, we should look back just to learn from the past. We surely don't want something not good happen again, so we know exactly what we should do in the present.
  3. Everything might have changed, but God is still the same. I have grown to be older and more mature girl. On the same way, people around us also change. They have their own life and we can't stop them no mater what. But one thing that never changes is our God. He is still and always good. By reading my letter, I realize that He never leaves me when I'm in the lows or highs.
Well, this is my sharing of what I get from writing a letter to myself. You can try by yourself too! Just write down what you want to tell to yourself in the future on a piece of paper (any kind of paper you like). You can write what you're struggling with at the moment, you can write what you have achieved recently, or you can also write if you have been close with someone you like and it seems like he likes you too. Hehehe. The topic is up to you! Then, you keep it in the safest place that no one (including you) can take it. Make sure you know the place where you keep the letter, so that you will not be confused when you want to read it in the future. One year or two years later, you take the letter and yeay... you got a letter from your past self! It's cool, isn't it?

I hope you have a great day! God bless you.



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