All is well

Life is tough. 
Who says that life is fun? In reality, it is not fun at all. Many things happen unexpectedly. We never even thought about it, but it just happens. We never expected it, but it just happens. We never imagined what will happen exactly, but it just happens. 

Life is like a race.
We are busy with ourselves and rush to the finish line. We focus on our goals and do not care with the people around us. We are selfish, arrogant, self-centered. We don't even realize that there are many people struggling to continue their race. There are many people expecting for help to keep standing. There are many people wishing they could be in our position. 

Life must go on. 
No matter what happens, life still goes on. It cannot be paused or stopped even just for a moment. Also, we often wish that we could go back to the past to fix what is wrong and re-enjoy the good things. Still, we hope that at least life can go slow down so that we don't miss a thing from any moment and regrets don't come to us.

However, life is good. 
Not because many unexpected things happen, but because God designed that way. He knows exactly what He designed and His ways are never wrong. He never forgets to give His blessings in our life. We often forget Him. We often lean on our strength. We often complain about many things. But, one thing for sure that we still survive until now is because He loves us. His mercies are always new every morning. We should be ashamed. We are like nuts who forget its skin. 

As I'm writing this post, I remember a song. I don't know if it's familiar for you.

  1. Through the love of God our Savior,
    All will be well;
    Free and changeless is His favor;
    All, all is well.
    Precious is the blood that healed us;
    Perfect is the grace that sealed us;
    Strong the hand stretched out to shield us;
    All must be well.
  2. Though we pass through tribulation,
    All will be well;
    Ours is such a full salvation;
    All, all is well.
    Happy still in God confiding,
    Fruitful, if in Christ abiding,
    Holy through the Spirit’s guiding,
    All must be well.
  3. We expect a bright tomorrow;
    All will be well;
    Faith can sing through days of sorrow,
    All, all is well.
    On our Father’s love relying,
    Jesus every need supplying,
    Or in living, or in dying,
    All must be well.



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