New chapter of life

Today is the last day of March. This morning I woke up early, not as usual. I saw a beautiful sunrise in the balcony of my room. I have prepared for everything. There is one thing which is very hard for me to do this morning.

Today I have to let my dearest friend go. This morning he left us. He said that he wants to have a holiday at his hometown with his family. But, I am the one who know the truth. Deep inside, I know he is crying. He just shows his smile because he is tired to see people cry in front of him. He actually doesn't want to go. I personally still find it really difficult to face the reality. He has been one of the best parts in my life. He has given a big impact to me. He is such a caring, funny and helpful person. He deserves to be called as a best friend ever. There is a proverb says: People come to your life with two reasons, whether to change your life or you change their life. I think we have shared the two reasons with each other.

As we are entering the new month, we will face new challenges, ups and downs as well. He will be missed by many people, obviously. What he has done will be a great lesson for all of us. He will continue his life and pursue his dream. I believe God is in control. He knows exactly what he is feeling right now. I know that He holds a bright future for his life. I know that He will hold him fast. We expect a bright tomorrow, all will be well.
Remember Isaiah 55:8!

For you guys, probably, it can be a good start for you to start doing something that you never do. Let's start the new chapter of this life with courage, humbleness, and also surrender to God.



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