Suffering and Glory

The sermon that I got this morning at chapel really blessed me. It was taken from one of Paul's letters, Romans 8:18-30. The theme was about suffering and glory. We live in the world that always comes with sufferings, problems, or challenges. It is not something that we can avoid even when a problem comes, we often ask these kind of questions: "Is it worth it?" "Does God really care?" "Is he  really there for me?"

Well, Paul in his letter to Romans said that it is worth it a million times. We have been adopted by God and it means we can't be unadopted. Once we're His children, we are always His children. We are in the middle of groaning. We have been given redemption, salvation, and justification, but we are still waiting for glorification and the coming of Jesus. In other words, suffering is real, but the glory that is coming is more real. We all agree that suffering is real and terrible. On the other side, there is glory that is going to be revealed in us.

How can we possibly endure the suffering? Suffering is a hint/clue of what is going to happen.
Paul stated that there are three groans and one glory in these verses, according to Niel Nielsen, the pastor of today's sermon.

- The creation groans (v. 19:23)
These are not groans of despair. The creation groans with eager. The reality is they are going to be reborn. They will obtain the glory as the children of God.

- God's people groan (v. 23-25)
They are groaning and longing to be set free. They are waiting for the consummation of inheritance.

- The Holy Spirit groans (v. 26-27)
Sometimes we feel like we're groaning alone and we wonder "Where is God in the midst of our suffering?" Don't worry because the Holy Spirit prays with and for us. As the Holy Spirit is praying to God, it means that God is praying to God. It is God praying in perfect accordance with the will of God. God's will is for those who love Him. Those who are called to do His purpose.

- God works for good things (v. 28)
It is not about our personal good. God works for ultimate good. So, what does it mean by 'good'?
Good is part of redemption and salvation. God knew us (fore knowledge) before the universe was created. He planned for our salvation. We will be conformed to the image of His Son. Then, we are justified and clarified as the children of God.

From fore knowledge to glorification.
The process that God began, He will complete.
Those who start with God will end it also with God.
The problem is real. Suffering is real.
Don't pretend like it doesn't hurt at all. Don't pretend like it doesn't burden at all.

We have assurance that the suffering that we have now can't be compared with the glory that is coming. We are already saved, but not yet glorified. That is where we are.


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