Second Practicum

On August 16 2019, I have just finished the second practicum  (PPL 2). You may read my experience in the first practicum here. Honestly, I was sad that I will not see the students anymore. I think this one month for practicum is not enough for me. I have just got used to the school environment, teachers, staff, and especially the students. But, unfortunately I need to go, continue my study and my last assignment as a college student.

In the beginning, I was not sure that I could survive in that school for one month because of few things. All I did was just pray to God and let Him lead my way. As the days went by, I started to see the students' characters and the learning system at the school. When I decided to teach for the first time, I was totally nervous but I kept praying to God and asked for His wisdom and strength. And... it went well. There were a few things that I could not reach as in the lesson plan, but I am really thankful that I have done a good job at the first time teaching.

I spent hours at night to prepare for the next day teaching, so i had no enough time to sleep. I often slept at around 12 at midnight. Then, I woke up just like a zombie at 4 am everyday and sometimes I found myself really sleepy in the afternoon after I had lunch at school. It's truly a challenge for me to survive in the class.

Finally, I did not realize that time went so fast that the last day of being in the school is on August 16. When I told about this to the students that I taught, they became sad and asked many questions such as, "Where will you go?" "What will you do after this?" "Why do you have to go?" "When will you come back here again?" "Please, come back here again..." and so on. I was so touched that I think I did not do much things for them, but they really respect and treat me as their teacher (although I'm just a pre-service teacher). I did not expect that a moment like this would happen. When they started to cry because it was hard for them to let me go, so did I. I cried because it was hard for me to go and not gonna see them anymore. 

About my mentor, actually I have 2 teacher mentors. The first one who teaches English and the second one is a homeroom teacher. I am thankful that God allows me to meet them. I shared a lot of things with them regarding teaching and learning at school, even our personal life. Hahaha... I feel like I can connect with them easily. And yeah, I learn a lot from both of them. I am super thankful for their encouragement, feedback, and support for me during the last month.

The thing is I am beyond grateful that I can have my second practicum in that school and have a chance to meet such fun mentors, friendly teachers and staff, and smart and adorable students. Well, if there is a chance I can come back to that school, I will accept it gladly.

See you when I see you :)
God bless.



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