Pour Your Memories Into Writing

Welcoming the new year with new hopes, plans, resolutions has always been a must for people around the world. No wonder if we often take some time to really make plans and things-to-do list for the year ahead. It is also normal for some of us to take a little flasback from what we have gone through last year. Achievements, fails, happiness, disappointments, excitements, desperateness, hopes, regrets and more surely came to our life every year. What makes it different is maybe the level of feelings or the moments along with the people whom we went through with.

This morning I had a gathering with my Care Group (it's the first one in this year). Our leader (who is also our lecturer at the college) asked us to do a little flasback from last year as our way to have self-reflection. She gave us some questions to guide us to really take our memories back to last year. Instead of sharing the reflection to others, we poured our past memories into a piece of sheet. I, personally enjoyed writing it since I answered all the questions smoothly without taking it so long to write.

You might be wondering if it is really useful for yourself. Here I wanna share the questions given by my Care Group leader that hopefully fit with your life situations.
1. Was there any new thing / activity that you did in 2019? E.g: Learned new skill such as music instrument or language, did a healthy lifestyle, etc.

2. If there wasn't, why?

3. Think again the answer from question no 2. Does your answer make any sense?

4. What was the biggest problem you faced? How did you react to it?

5. Compared with previous problems, this problem was much or less bigger? What did you do?

6. Did you become mentally stronger in 2019? Why?

7. Did you make any spiritual progress in 2019? Why?

8. Did your academic GPA increase in 2019? Why?

9. Was your conflict with your friend solved? How? Why?

10. Did you lose any friend or best friend? Why?

11. How was your relationship with your family?

Well, happy reflecting...
God bless.

Image: Unsplash



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