The Truest True Love

Today I'm going to share to you about love that is true since this is still February, a month of love. This time I'm gonna start with a sad news that reminds me about God's true love.

Two days ago, a sad news came up from Indonesian public figure, Ashraf Sinclair, the husband of Indonesian singer and actress, Bunga Citra Lestari. It was a shocking one that Ashraf passed away because of heart attack after taken to the hospital. The social media suddenly is filled up with their pictures that bring back their togetherness and romance with their son as a family.

From them, I learn about true love from this 11-year-married couple although I'm not a fan of them. But I admit that they are one of those couples who do not seek for sensation and never really involved in any problems. So, I can say they are such a role model for most of the married couples in Indonesia. They have strong bonds and always show their romance in public without any hesitation. They really keep their love together until the death set them apart. Bunga couldn't help her eyes for not crying facing the reality. She doesn't even believe that it really happened. Meanwhile, netizen even make a version of music video where Bunga sang a very famous song entitled Cinta Sejati. We know that this song is a soundtrack from a best-selling movie Habibie & Ainun in remembrance of Ibu Hj. Ainun, the wife of the third president of Indonesia, Bapak B.J. Habibie.

Once again, this bad news reminds me about God's power and might and love.
  • God is mighty which makes Him has control in our lives. From the beginning, He created this universe out of nothing. He sustains this world. He guides all creations, including us. He provides everything we need in life. Not to mention, He also has rights to take back what He has given to us (Job 1:21).
 “Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
    and naked I will depart.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
    may the name of the Lord be praised.”
  • God's true love. Well, we all agree that Bunga and Ashraf teaches us about true love. However, as Christians, I believe that there is nothing can compare to God's true love. God's love is the truest one. Nothing compares to His love by sacrificing His begotten Son to save us the sinners from death so that we have eternal life (John 3:16). 
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Talking about true love, it actually cannot be defined apart from God. Here is a short video from Ravi Zacharias explains more about this.

In other words, in this Valentine month, I hope we can enjoy and show love to our loved ones but with an understanding that the true love only belongs to Him. Our job is to share His true love to our loved ones and surroundings through our actions, words, and thoughts. Especially for you who are in a special relationship with someone, I hope you put God first as your foundation to love each other.

There is one song that I love that reminds me about God's true love. I cannot find love apart from Him alone. Let this song blesses your heart too. For you who are still single (like me hehe) or struggling to find the right one, make sure you fall in love with God first and let Him live in your heart. In the end, you're gonna be ready with the one whom will spend your life with which God has prepared for you. God bless you.

Images: Unsplash, Google
Video: Youtube


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