Facts Related to Corona Virus

We are surely aware that the pandemic that is affecting the world currently has made us worried, scared, and sad at the same time. The virus that is called corona virus is not a piece-of-sheet thing. It also cannot be cured in the blink of eye. This can be seen that this virus has grasped many people's lives around the world, obviously in large number. Here I wanna share some facts that you need to know about this super invisible virus so you can also know what to do to prevent yourself from this disease.
What Is the Coronavirus? | WIRED

1.) Corona virus was first discovered in 2019 in Wuhan, China
A 55-year-old citizen of Hubei Province was the one who got infected by the virus. He got infected on November 17, 2019. Since then, the cases of people who got infected increased, at least five cases every day. Getting worse, a month later, on December 20, 2019, there were around 60 people who got infected. It is believed that the virus was from a fish market in Hubei Province, Wuhan. But, important to know, the government of China does not reveal the identity of the first person who got infected to the media and the citizens for privacy.

2.) Corona virus has existed since 1960
The corona virus was suspected as the cause of flu which is not dangerous even until 2002. Then, a new kind of this virus was discovered in China as the cause of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) which have put many lives to death. Followed in 2012, the virus has become more dangerous which caused a new disease from the Middle East called MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). Since then, scientists and experts gave their focus more on the development of this deathly virus. Until 2019, another new kind of this virus called Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) is a result from the mutation of the similar corona virus that caused SARS-cov and MERS-cov in the past. This statement is clarified by Professor Soewarno from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Airlangga University.
Ilustrasi positif terkena virus corona

3.) Corona virus is transmittable in the first week after infection
Once you get infected by the virus, it takes only one week for it to infect people around you. This is clarified by a professor from the Department of Microbiology in University of Hong Kong, Kelvin To Kai-wang. Therefore, professors and experts strongly suggest us to stay at home for at least 14 days. In other words, you have to isolate yourself for 2 weeks because that is the duration to prove the virus has infected your body or not.

4.) Corona virus has spread over 160 countries around the world
World Health Organization (WHO) confirms that the deathly virus has traveled over 160 countries which leads to more than 724.000 cases and 32.000 deaths around the world. From China, Japan, Korea, Australia, Italy, Iran, Indonesia, the USA and more. Here are some most updated graphics to make you believe.
What is Coronavirus? - The New York Times 
Image from The New York Times (28/3)

Kasus virus Corona di dunia per 28 Maret 2020. Dari 691.859 kasus, 21% sembuh dan 4,7% meninggal. .

5.) Corona virus can be prevented if you know how
As seen in this image below, please follow the steps, tips, and suggestions from the WHO, medical agents, and the government wherever you are. Fyi, the SARS-cov can be cured as soon as one year because the people followed the tips to prevent themselves from the virus. I'm sure we can do that as well.
Coronavirus: Safety and Readiness Tips for You

Coronavirus | Wood Lane Medical Centre

Please check out these official websites to get more accountable and valid information related to corona virus.
Well, I know ithis pandemic has made us worried, scared, and sad at the same time. But, I encourage you to still lean on God and put faith in Him. I believe that everything is in His control and that He is a sovereign God. Stay healthy as you're staying at home!

The facts above are taken and adapted from these sources:
- BBC Indonesia
- CNN Indonesia
- Detik
- Kompas
- Kumparan 
- Tribun Manado
- Tribun Mataram


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