Balapan Luar Biasa Jakarta

Balapan Luar Biasa is also known as GKI Summer Camp's version of Amazing Race or Running Man. Yep, this event was held by the committee of GKI SC on July 31, 2016. The participants were from SC season 1-6. Luckily I joined SC 6, so I immediately registered to join this once-a-year event. This event also required us to make a team that contained 4 persons. I asked my friend from the same church to join and asked 2 more friends from another church in Jakarta.

On the D-day, I woke up at 4 am, I couldn't sleep at night because I was too busy to think what the event would be. We, me and my two friends who live in Citra Raya, Tangerang went together to GKI Kayu Putih, Jakarta Timur as the first meeting point by taxi. We left at 5.15 and arrived at 6.30. Unpredictably, we were the first people who arrived at the church. We felt a little proud hehe..

After re-registration, we prayed and the race started at 8 o'clock. There were 12 teams who joined this race. We went to the first location and our mission was making 5 Math questions and 5 English questions. After we collected the questions to the committee, we got a strange clue. We had to solve it first in order to know the next location. In 15 minutes (or more), we solved it and got a new clue. Then we were given the flash card to take busway and Rp 20.000,-.

We went to Kebon Pala as the second location. As we arrived there, we had to give the questions that we had made from the first mission to some children who had waited for us. Anyone who can answer it fast and correctly would get snacks as the presents.

To get a new clue, we had to finish the new mission there. We had to find a resident's house in the slum housing that didn't deserve to be called as house. As we found the house and met the owner, I was so shocked. I couldn't even imagine that this family's life must be hard. I directly gave thanks to God for everything I have and realized that I'm so much blessed.

After we left Kebon Pala, we went to Pasar Baru. As we arrived there, we were told to pick up and collect the trash around there as our mission. Hahaa people thought that we were the cleaning service team of this place. Because we did it fast, so we could leave and go to the next location.

By asking people around, we could get the information to get to Kota Tua as our fourth location. The committee had waited for us and gave us Rp 100.000,- to buy some food and drink and have lunch. It was 12 pm and we were so thankful that we could have time to enjoy our lunch in Kota Tua. We also took a picture of us while having lunch as a proof to the committee.

Next clue said that we had to go to Museum Bank Indonesia. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my student card, so there were only 2 members of my team who were allowed to enter the museum freely. If we had more money, we would have bouth the tickets to enter. As they were doing their mission, me and one member of my team waited outside and took a rest.

After finishing the mission, they went out and got a new clue to the next locaion. Luckily, my team went together along with 3 other teams to Waduk Pluit in North Jakarta. The new mission told us to make a video that promotes the beautiful and clean Waduk Pluit to residents. My team decided to make a drama for the video. Then we recorded it and showed it to the committee.

Our mission in Waduk Pluit hadn't done yet, we still had another mission. We had to promote some food and beverages to the visitors in Waduk Pluit Park that were sold by the street vendors, minimum 5 products. But, we just got 3 products that was sold, so the committee called us and gave the next clue and go to the next location. We left the park and headed to Pluit Village Mall.

We went to Pluit Village Mall by foot and directly found the cafe where the committee had awaited us. When they told us to find the cafe, we all thought that we would get some bread and coffee as our snack because it was already late afternoon. In reality, of course they gave us a new mission. We had to interview people in the mall about the top-selling store.

From Pluit Village, we went immediately to Monas (Monumen Nasional) as our last location today. Again, we met 3 other teams and went there together. It took one hour to go to the busway stop by foot. Along the way to the busway stop, we took a lot ot pictures of our togetherness as the last 4 teams. It was really tiring and fun at once. As we arrived at the busway stop, we still had to wait for the bus for one hour. Ohh such a long time, but we could get closer to each other and decided to stick together till the finish line. Hohoho

The busway finally came at 6 pm. We stood in the bus and then sat when the passengers left the chairs empty. So, we arrived at Monas at 7 pm. We entered Monas by holding hands while finding the committee there.

After we met the committee, we got a mission to find a foreigner visitor to ask something to them. Sadly, it was already evening, so we couldn't see clearly and find the foreigners easily. So the committee decided to just ask visitors around Monas. Okay, so we found some young men gather around. We asked them about solidarity and do the "I Have A Mango" dance. We did it finally!

Because we were the last 4 teams who finished the last mission, so we went upstairs to Monas along together with the committee. The committee announced the winners from the third place to the first place and gave the prize to them. Even though my team was the last one along with 3 other teams, we had claimed before that we were the real winners no matter what. Hahaha
By the way, congratulations to the winners!!

We prayed together as the closing ceremony of the event. We took pictures together. Then we could go home. This amazing race was officially ended at 9 pm. But we couldn't go home directly because our bags were still in Kayu Putih, so we still had to go back to Kaput. After we changed our clothes, we could go home by taxi at 10 pm.

Yeah, it was my story about my experience joining Balapan Luar Biasa SC. It was totally exhausting but superr exciting and challenging in every mission. I hope there will be more fun event next year and I hope I can join again and feel the new sensation. Meeting new friends and many people, all social activities that we did left a big meaning in my heart. It was not a luck, it is a blessing.

Gbu :)



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