Into The New World

Welcome August! It is the 4th day of August and I am so blessed. Blessed because God still gives me new days, blessed becasuse God gives me good health, blessed because God has given many precious gifts to me.

I have been having a great long holiday. From May until now, I have gone through many fun and unforgettable activities. Graduation, Summer Camp, Eid Mubarak holiday, Amazing Race, and family gatherings.

In 3 days, I'm gonna stay at the dorm of UPH TC. I have packed some of my clothes and stuffs. I will leave my house soon and I will not see my parents and my sister as usual. Oh so sad. I always think and imagine about my new life at UPH every night before sleep. Many questions crossed my mind. How will I study there? What if I can't sleep at the dorm which contains 8-10 persons? What will I eat every day? What will I do if there is leisure time? What if I can't get friends? Can I survive in the dormitory and campus life? I ask God the same questions and I pray that He will give me strength to go through all of this.

Into the new world, that's the perfect title for this post and for my life. As soon as I arrive there and feel the experience of living in 'new world', I will tell you guys about everything.. I might be busy for this whole new things but I will try to write about it in the next post.

I hope and I believe this month is gonna be awesome August!!

God bless



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