Never Felt More Blessed

Shalom... oh yeah how are you all? I am definitely super fine!! Muehehe... I have got soo muuchh things to tell and I'm getting confused where I should start my story. Simply, it's all about my (new) life since I lived in dormitory of UPH, my activities during student orientation, and my first classes in the campus. I had already published my post about the process that I can study at UPH.

Firstly, I would like to thank my Lord Jesus who has given me one of the best gifts as long as I have been breathing in earth. His plan is really unexpected and unpredictable. Never crossed in my mind that I would be a student of UPH.
I had always been dreaming about being a student at this huge university. I still remember the day when I saw the buildings of UPH for the first time. I said to my parents that I would be studying at that university and make them proud of me. Fyi, it was around 10 years ago! Years went by and I realized that my chance to study there was getting smaller and smaller. I knew that my parents didn't have enough money for paying our school fees. I was getting hopeless and I ever wondered if I didn't continue my study at college, would it be okay? But I had worked hard and harder to achieve my dreams.

Till then, He who is always beside me, He who always holds my hands, He who always makes everything beautiful in His time answered my prayers. That big chance was getting closer and closer. I felt like He wanted me to be here. I wondered that He had already planned it since a long time ago. I just didn't know it and I would never know it.

That day, 7 August 2016, after I went to church, my family went to UPH to take me there. I arrived at 3.00 pm and it was just an indescribable moment when I hugged my parents and my sister for the last time (before I become a college student). I couldn't tell my tears to not stream down my face. I saw a happy and sad face of them all at once. I almost cry right now :")

Then I met my mentor. Mentor is someone who accompanies and helps me for everything I need during my first year at the campus. Then she took me to the dormitory which was very odd for my eyes. We went upstairs to my room. And... tadaaa! I entered my room for the first time and I unpacked my stuffs from the suitcase, and I met many new friends heree...! In the first night I couldn't sleep at all, seriously. I tried to turn my body to the left and right, but my eyes couldn't be closed completely. My brain kept thinking about my family, my bedroom, my life here, bla bla bla.

The new students orientation (it's called Welcoming New Students in my faculty) started from 8 August 2016 until 16 August 2016. There were so many fun activities and unforgettable moments, especially with my mentor and mentees (people who have the same mentor as myself). Everything that we did during that one week was purposed to all Teachers College new students about campus life and dormitory life.

The orientation from the university started from 18-20 August 2016 which was called UPH Festival 23 and themed 'Reach Further'. The theme was inspired by the passage of Bible which was taken from Isaiah 49:6
Indeed He says, "It is too small a thing that you should be My Servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also give you as a light to the Gentiles, that you should be My salvation to the ends of the earth."
This theme itself was related to the last 2 themes. In 2014, UPH Festival 21 had 'Higher Calling' as the theme. Last year, 'Grow Deeper' was the theme for UPH Festival 22. Can you see that? Every year UPH has special and unique theme for the orientation that, absolutely, has a big meaning.

Although it only took 3 days for the university orientation, overall it was really fun! There was an event called Distinguished Guest Speaker, Welcoming by Rector and Lecturers, and my favorite one was Fun Run which was held on 20 August 2016. By the way, we ran for about 5 kilometers. Yah we were very tired, but what we felt inside was the fun and togetherness.

So, that's what I can write about my new life during the first 2 weeks as a college student.
Lastly, I hope my stories and my experiences when I walk into a university student can be a good motivation for you all who wants to continue your study to the next level, especially for some of you who have the same problem like me. Don't be discouraged to try any chance because chance doesn't always come twice. You must use it wisely. Also, you can't turn back time, you can't change what you have done in the past. Remember that regret always comes at the last.

I will write as soon as I get long free time.

Thank you for reading and have a blessed day!



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