Regret Comes in the End

Why does regret (penyesalan) always come in the end? Simple actually. If it comes in the beginning, it's called registration (pendaftaran). Hahaha… You got what I mean?

When we decided to do something, we might feel that we have done the right thing and everything seems okay in our life. As the time goes by, we start to realize that we shouldn't do it. Then it leads to a regret. Regret because we could be better than this if we didn't take this way. Regret because we didn't think carefully about our future so we took this way. Regret because we didn't take the chances we had in the past. I have ever experienced that too. Here I wanna share some reasons why regret comes in the end based on my experience.

1.   We could be better than this
There are some times when I think that I could be better than this. It doesn't mean that what I have and do now is bad, but it would be much better if I didn't take this way. Then, I think about myself back in the past. I start to wonder what if I chose that way? And blame myself now. Why did I choose this way?

Can you look? this life is full of choices. It's all about choosing a right choice. What we have and do now depends on the choices we made in the past. So does what we will have and do in the future, it will depend on what we choose now. When we realize that what we do now would be better if we took another way, the feeling of regret comes up.

2.   We didn't think carefully about our future
As what I have mentioned in the first point, life is about choosing a right choice. Think about it. When we wake up in the morning, we have at least 2 choices: pray or go to bath. After that we're gonna face another choices: have breakfast or tidy up our bed. When we have a test, it's up to us which question we want to answer first. That's life. It all depends on what we choose everyday. 

The reason why we regret about something we do or have now is because we didn't think carefully about our future in the past. In other words, we chose the way that we thought was right and finally realize it was wrong. We just took this way and that way without having any idea what would happen in the future. We didn't really understand that the choices we made will affect our life later. Well, now you know.

3.   We didn't take the chances we had in the past
This one is also related with the previous ones. If I think again, there were many chances that I didn't take in the past. I thought that I'm gonna be fine without taking the chances. Whenever there was a chance came, I told to myself that I'm not capable in that thing. I'm gonna have less free time. For example, I had ever got an offer to join Paskibra in the first year of senior high school. The team needed more persons and maybe my friend who offered me thought I was ideal to join with them. Without considering any longer, I rejected it. I told her that it will be hard for me to manage my time between study and practice. Besides that, I was afraid I couldn't join the practice regularly because my home is far from school. When I have graduated from high school, I regret it so much. If I could turn back time, I would say yes to her and join the Paskibra team. I could have got new experience and friends. My life would be much more fun than now. 

Another example, I had a dream to become a novelist when I was in junior high school. I loved reading novels back then. I started to write my own story. With the help from my friends, I had finished the first chapter of my novel that time. But then, what made me stop writing? I couldn't focus on my study and homeworks. So, I left it that way. I decided to focus on my school first and planned to write again when I have graduated. Did I continue to write again after I graduated from junior high school? Unfortunately, no. The reality was senior high school was much harder. It took a lot of time and energy that I didn't even have time to look for inspiration and write it into a story. I was wrong too anyway. If I really had a willing, I could just do the writing that time. Fiuhh… I regret everything now. If I could turn back time, I would have written and finished the novel, then sent it to a publisher. I probably have become a writer in such a young age.

Now you know why regret always comes in the end. There are more experiences about feeling regretful that I have. But, I think the two examples I mentioned above is enough. I hope it can make you realize that you have to do your best in your life whatever it takes. Life is full of choices. Consider every choice you have and ask God's wisdom so that you can make a right choice. 

I believe that some of you also regret about some things. It's okay, but don't be too long. Life must go on. Take chances as many as possible. Don't be afraid to try new things. If you fail, it doesn't mean you're not good. You can try again next time. If you can do it today, why do you have to do it tomorrow? I pray that you can live your life to the fullest and be a blessing for everyone around you.

God bless you.



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